Chapter Thirty

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I awake to an annoying noise, my exhausted mind and body fighting to stay in respite before Ashton moves, and I open my eyes. My whole body somehow took over his, my head resting on his shoulder still but my torso lays over his with my knee up over his hips. Both my arms are wrapped around his neck, keeping me clung to him as he reaches for his phone, an incoming call disturbing my peaceful rest.

"Hello?" he answers, his accent thick in his raspy morning voice. "Oh shit," his head jerks up, "Fuck, okay. We'll get up and be ready. Thanks, Mate." He hangs up and replaces phone before rubbing my back, "Baby?"

"Mmm?" I hum tiredly.

"We have to catch our jet in like two hours, we need to get up and get ready."

"Jet?" I ask raising my brow and lifting my head to look at him as he yawns and rubs his eye.

"Yeah," he huffs with a laugh, "Quite ridiculous, but fucking cool."

"And you got on me for a sunroof!" I puff, rolling onto him fully, straddle his naked hips and pinching his chest.

He giggles, flinching at my attack before resting his arm behind his head and twirling my hair with the other, "It was for this special occasion."

"I've only been on a private jet once before," I tell him, "Parker's. But it was only a three hour trip."

"This should be about six," he informs me, "And Mikey went all out finding this one."

"Oh I bet he did," I laugh.

He yawns again, making me yawn too and I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat before he speaks, "Baby, I need to shower."

"Me too," I sigh, "But I just want to go back to bed."

"Same," he yawns again. "We can take a nap when we get home."

"Okay," I smile, loving the way he calls it our home.

We finally stumble out of bed and brush our teeth as Ashton turns on the shower, testing the water until he finds the perfect temperature. We lazily stand in the stream, willing ourselves to wake up before he grabs my shampoo and lathers my hair. I smile as he scratches and massages my scalp like he used to do when my hair was longer.

I rinse and we switch so he can rinse his hair while I lather my body with my body wash. We switch again so he can do the same before he meets me under the water, rinsing his body but hugging me to him, resting his chin on my head. I sigh and rest my head against his shoulder, fully relaxing my tired body into him, enjoying our bare and intimate embrace before we get out and dress.

I'm adding products to my hair to perfect the waves when they dry and he joins me, clunking in his boots with black ripped skinny jeans, a belt, and short sleeved red button up shirt. His necklaces dangle between the open fabric at the top where three buttons remain undone, taunting me as they peek his collarbones. He finesses his hair as I stare at him, mesmerized by his beauty and glowing skin in that color.

"What?" he asks, his eyes dart to his outfit in the mirror as he straightens up, wondering what's wrong with him.

"I like you in red," I say with a smile, blushing.

He grins at me, his dimples taking over his face as he shakes his head and pinches my chin before returning to his hair, adding his special gel from Japan. I exit and get dressed in a black leather mini skirt and Ashton's old AC/DC t-shirt. I slide into my docs as he comes out of the bathroom and smirks, sitting at the writing desk as he watches me, rubbing his fingers over his lips.

"Is that my tshirt?" he asks once I zip my boots.

"Yep," I smile at him as I clack my boots together, "I took it out of your closet and packed it for this trip."

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