Chapter Twenty-Two

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A:Text me when you land
A:omg im so fucking excited!
A:Only 10 more hours 🙄
A:I swear I checked my phone 2 hours ago... it was only 10 min....
A:Baby get here already!!!
A:I'm on my way to come get you!
K:I've landed 😁
A:about fucking time 🙄
A:see you soon! Love you!

I shake my head and chuckle at Ashton's sass seeping through my phone, the fifteen hour flight just as grueling for him as it was for me. My butt and legs ache as I stand, stretching out my spine as I lean to the side and three discs crack. No matter the count of this flight I have under my belt, I will never be used to it. Never.

The flight attendant thanks me as I exit the plane and I walk the long stretch to the escalator that brings me down to baggage claim, my heart racing as I look around for Ash. He waves at me, a smile spreading on my face as I notice his red bead bracelet on his wrist while his adorable dimples set deep into his face. He approaches the landing area to meet me, looking handsome in even a plain white tee with his necklaces over his chest, sweatpants, and runners. My eyes well up as I bite my lip, feeling dumb to be so overwhelmed, but I am; my heart and mind still exploding at our reconnection.

I hug him as I jump into his arms, burying my face into his neck as I breath in his Aussie sunshine and his warmth spreads deep into my veins. He takes in a deep breath, overloading his senses with me as his hands grip me firmly, pressing my body to his. I lean away and then kiss him, squeezing him tighter before he starts giggling, spinning me around.

"Thanks for coming home to me," he says after he pulls away, watching my face.

"I'm only home when I'm with you," I tell him before he kisses me, a smile on his face.

"C'mon, let's get your twenty bags," he sasses me, putting me down.

"It's only two," I sass back. "Plus these," I chuckle at my duffle riding on top of my small suitcase.

"Some things never change," he shakes his head before we go to the carousels to collect my two large suitcases.


"There," Ashton grunts as he slams the trunk to his car, a beautiful deep red Dodge Charger with dark, and probably illegal, tinted windows and black accents in the lights, rims, and spoiler.

"I'm glad it all fit," I smile at him before he wraps his arm around my neck and pulls me to his chest.

"Me too or I would have had to strap you to the roof," he smiles down at me before he looks into the backseat with a sigh, "I guess this means no car sex. You owe me yet again."

"I guess I do," I flutter my lashes at him and he kisses my forehead before opening the passenger door for me, hopping around to the driver side to meet me inside.

He starts the car with a deep roar before exiting the garage and merging onto the highway to take us to his new house I still haven't seen.

"I'm excited to see your house," I say as he sets the cruise control and gets comfortable, scooting his left leg in to rest his elbow on before he grabs the wheel, switching hands.

He grabs my hand with his free one as he replies, "Me too. I put my picture up in the studio. It looks perfect in there."

"I can't wait to see it."

"You want a tour first thing, or do you want to wait until daytime?"

"It doesn't matter to me," I chuckle.

"I just think we have some things to tend to," he looks over at me with a smirk before he looks back at the road, my tummy swirling.

I watch him as we travel under the street lamps, a beam of light traveling through the car, gliding over him. First at his hand on the wheel, over his arm and leg, up his torso and over his handsome face before it disappears past his wild curly hair and he is cast in shadow again. I hold my breath until another lamp blesses me.

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