Chapter Twenty-One

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"Thanks for staying up late to wish me g'day," I smile at Ashton through FaceTime, his face glowing beautifully in the candle light of his new candle he says smells like me.

"I miss not waking up to you," he pouts, "So I'll take looking at your beautiful morning face to fall asleep to," he smirks at me sleepily, looking gorgeous in the light flickering over his features and the chains around his neck from his necklaces glowing bright against his bare tanned skin.

"I can't wait to be with you," I smile, "You look so handsome right now, its killing me."

"Tell me about it," he giggles before he yawns, cuddling up to his pillow after he stretches.

"I just want to kiss you," I pout, staring at his lips on my screen.

"Stop it," he smirks and I smile slyly, purposely biting my lip. "Kat, knock it off," he giggles before he rolls into his pillow and screams playfully, making me chuckle as I prop my phone up on the counter.

"Fine," I lean on the counter.

"Fine," he teases back as my water begins to boil, "Whatchya making?"

"Tea," I smile before I begin pouring the water in my prepped cup, a teabag at the ready.

"English breakfast?"

"How did you know?" I jest, looking shocked.

"It's the best," he shrugs, "Plus I'm pretty sure this really cool guy you know showed it to you."

I laugh, "My mum drinks English breakfast too. But," I turn to him with a smirk, "that cool amazing guy made me make it for him on tour so many times I can't even count."

"Hey now," he snickers, "I didn't make you do anything."

"I had no choice," I say seriously leaning back down to look at him, "Because I love you."

"Oh my god," he rolls his eyes before he smiles, his dimples taking over his striking face.

"Labor of love," I flutter my lashes as I place a hand over my heart.

"Similar to me drinking the crap you made before I showed you the proper, correct way to steep it," he sasses me and I gasp.

"Wow, rude," I purse my lips and bounce the teabag in the hot water watching the color like he taught me.

"I drank it anyway!" he squeals, "I was afraid of hurting your feelings."

"My hero," I roll my eyes playfully.

"Stop it," he giggles, "You know I appreciate you. I always have. I fucked up showing it there for a while, I'll admit, but I really do."

"I know," I nod my head, looking at him with sincerity, "I was just teasing you, Ash."

"I know," he sighs, looking down somewhere I can't see, "I just feel bad about all that."

"Me too," I whisper, grabbing my phone to be closer to him, even in this way, staring at my screen to attempt to read his face. "Tell me what you did today," I change the subject.

"I went shopping with Calum," he says flatly, still looking down.

"What did you get?"

"Groceries and ba-" he looks up at me, a small smile curling on his lips, "And stuff."

I look at him suspiciously, raising my brow, "And stuff huh?"

"Yeah," he chuckles lightly, his dimples making me smile before he yawns again.

"I can let you go so you can go to bed."

"But I miss you," he pouts, making me smile more as I long to pinch his full bottom lip between my own lips.

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