Chapter Sixteen

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I never thought I would wake up to Ashton in my bed in my flat in Australia. His handsome face rests on one of my pillows and his arm is tucked underneath it as he lays on his stomach while resting deeply; my heart exploding with glee and I desperately want to stay in this moment. To preserve it, I grab my phone and take a picture, never able to capture his full beauty, but enough to help me remember and gush over it later.

His skin glows beige in the morning sunlight, looking beautiful against my light mint sheets and his hair is an unruly mess over his forehead. Heavy breaths flow through his parted lips as a gentle snore rattles at the back his throat, his sleep so deep he is completely consumed. I slide closer to him, pressing my legs to his as I contemplate waking him, remembering he told me two nights ago that he hasn't rested so well since Vegas, his life healthier with me in it.

His scent fills my nose as I creep closer, my body seeking out his heat and touch as I welcome a brand new day, already needing him to be a part of it. I check the time to assess how much longer I can let him snooze before we need to get ready and leave to the airport, realizing there may not be much time if he wants to shower. My fingertips skim over his cheek, his heat affecting me even at the lightest of touches before his lids begin to flutter as I pull him from his sleep.

A small contented raspy moan sounds in his throat while his body stretches before his eyes slit open, gracing me with the glorious hues of olive green and caramel brown only his eyes hold, making a smile curl on my lips. He smiles back as he rubs his legs against mine and I run my hand up his arm to his shoulder, giving little kisses in the wake. My hand glides from his shoulder, over his neck, and into this hair, massaging the back of his head as I kiss his cheek.

"You can sleep longer if you don't want to shower, I can wake you up when I'm done," I suggest, rubbing his cheek with my nose.

He chuckles before replying in his raspy morning voice, "I'd rather take a shower, but with you."

Now I chuckle, kissing his cheek again, "Okay, that's fine with me."

I kiss his shoulder as I look into his sleepy eyes before he smiles a dimpled grin at me and pulls his arm from under the pillow to wrap around me, tucking me into him before he says, "I love you so much. I really hope you know that."

I feel like a stupid schoolgirl as I huge grin takes over my face while my eyes water before I wrap my arm around his chest and kiss his heart and then listen to it, making me extremely thankful with every thud, "I love you too Ashton."

"I'm so sorry for everything," he whispers, the millionth time he's told me since we've got back together.

"I know," I whisper back and squeeze him, "It's all forgiven."

I pull away and look up at him, his eyes more alert as they dart around my face; the lines around his brows and mouth tell me he wants to say something but I sense the turmoil within. He closes his eyes when I caress his cheek, accepting my comfort while not pushing him to tell him, before I lean up and kiss him, letting him know how much I love him regardless of everything. He kisses me back with more fervor, pulling me into him as his tongue skates over my bottom lip.

"We need to shower or we're going to be late," I say breathily before I lick his tongue, my body beginning to ache for him.

He exhales a satisfied breath into my mouth before pulling away, his eyes closed and mouth parted open, turning me on further, making me consider forgetting the shower before he opens his eyes and says, "Fine."

He smirks at me and I giggle before hopping out of the bed, him following right behind as we sneak completely nuddy into the bathroom. He tickles me once we get the door shut and brush our teeth as he turns the shower on. I watch him in the mirror as he finds our compromise temperature, still habit and natural to him, making my eyes well up.

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