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"To the left," I tell Ashton, "a little more. Now up."

"Hang on," he says.

"Okay, but still more to the left."

"Fuck," he grumbles.

"More to the left."

He grunts before looking at me with raised brows, "Did I get it?"

"A little to the right now, actually."

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No," I draw out the word with sass before he rolls his eyes.

"There?" he grunts.

"Better," I scrunch my nose, "just a little more."

"You're fucking killing me, Woman," he huffs.

"Fine, then just go up," I snap.

"Fine," he sasses back.

"More," I aid him. "More. More. WHOA! Okay! Stop. Stop! Ashton!"

"Don't fucking tell me I went to far," he looks at me emotionless, annoyed and I purse my lips before he rolls his eyes with a huff.

"I saw that."

"What about this?" he grumbles and flips me off.

"Don't get mad at me," I retort to him, "This was YOUR idea."

"Yeah and your being a pain in the ass about it," he sasses me before asking, "There, did I get it?"

I look at the leveler on the airstream to confirm that the trailer is balanced, the small air bubble inside the yellow liquid just a smidge to the left more than I would prefer but its good enough, "Yeah that's fine."

"Okay good. Fuck," he complains as we meet at the door to collect the chocks to place around the wheels and he runs a hand through his bright red colored hair.

I quickly get mine into place and go inside, getting things settled before I sit in one of the lounge chairs at the front with the huge triangular windows. I kick my foot to swivel it when he comes inside, turning away from him to look outside as the sun begins to set. I am happy to be here with him for three days, just us, uninterrupted, which we desperately need, but right now I am annoyed with him.

We bickered almost the whole three hour drive out here to nowhere, making me feel upset as I pondered if this was a good idea. We have both been so stressed from our jobs, busy traveling, and hardly seeing each other. The last time we were fully alone together was 2 months ago before the Easier single release, all the press and promo for their fourth album taking all his time.

The arguing and his bad attitude fills me with anxiety, transporting me back in time to a dark period in our relationship when we didn't get along, every moment attempted to spend together filled with frustration and hurt. I know we are not in that spot, we never will be again, but I can't help the emotions that flow through me. I take a deep breath as I stare at the sunset, reminding myself we are different people, better people, and we will get over this rough patch. That's the whole point of this trip.

"Cal just texted," Ashton tells me as he sits in the matching lounge chair, "he said Lem is just fine."

He chuckles but I continue to stare out the window, ignoring him as I find irritation in how he can be rude one second and then his silly boyish self the next. I know he would apologize if I told him I was hurt, but I'm getting tired of telling him I'm hurt. I'm exhausted from this day that went down the shitter quick and I just want my boyfriend back.

"Did you hear me?" he asks gently, wiggling my chair with his foot as I see him lean into my peripheral vision.

"Yes," I say quietly and turn my chair to him.

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