Author's Note

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I can't believe we made it here. I am astounded how this small little dream turned into a 3 part series with almost 500k words.

Thank you to all who read it and stuck with me along the way. This was almost a year in the making and I can't fathom how far this has come and how much I have learned I love writing.

Covid changed a lot of things in our lives but I am grateful to say it brought me to 5SOS, this amazing fandom, and then this fun piece of "literature".

If you enjoyed my story, please vote for the chapters so other people can see it. Please share it with others in the fandom, and follow me for more; because I am not done writing. More 5sos content coming from me, and maybe some random bonus content to Kat and Ash's story ;)

Lots of love,

Nik xx

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