Chapter Thirty-One

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"I can't believe we're doing this," I laugh hysterically in the passenger seat with an aloe vera plant on my lap and a lemon tree shoved into Ashton's car, the top branches and leaves between us.

"I can't even see you," he cackles trying to look at me through the foliage making me laugh harder, "We're fucking crazy."

"Yes, we are," I agree, "Let's get back so we can free this tree."

"Free the tree!" Ashton shouts before starting the engine and driving us to his house, both of us randomly dying of laughter at the hilarity of the situation or when Ashton sneaks his hand under the branches in the middle console to rest his large warm hand on my knee.

We get back to his house, still laughing and he pops the boot, "Baby, help me so I don't break any branches, please."

"Yes, Daddy," I tease him, placing the aloe vera plant on the car floor so I can get on my knees in the seat and turn around.

"I'm flipping you off," he informs me.

"Do it again when I can see you and see what happens," I warn him and he giggles, getting out the car.

"Okay," he grunts at the back of the car, pulling the tree out and I guide the branches out gently so they don't break or lose any leaves, crawling to the flattening back seat with it until Ash gets it out all the way.

I climb back up to the front and grab my aloe vera plant as Ash grabs out the huge pot and soil to put the tree into. He slams the boot closed and grabs the empty concrete pot before going around to the backyard. He places it in the perfect spot the associate recommended for sun and shade while I put my plant down to go back and grab our tree.

Back at the car, I lift the tree up and he kisses me sweetly, looking handsome in his black dickie shorts and white tee with red taping along the neck and arms; wearing red often after I said I liked it on him. He grabs the two bags of soil and we walk quickly to the backyard so we can plant the tree and get inside where its cooler. I place the lemon tree down and watch him as he opens the bag, pouring enough soil to cover the bottom before we work on removing the roots from the temporary plastic pot, laughing when we begin to struggle.

"Free the tree," Ashton shouts and I die of laughter, losing the strength in my arms and we stumble, falling into the grass as the tree lands next to us.

I roll into his side and wrap my arm around chest, laughing so hard I can't breathe and he cackles loudly into the open summer air.

"Are we bad plant parents already?"

"I'm not sure," I sigh and sit up looking at the poor tree on its side, "C'mon lets get it repotted so we can water it."

"Yeah, you're right," he sits up next to me, glistening in the sun as a light layer of perspiration coats his tan skin.

"Yep, Mummy is always right, Daddy is always wrong."

"Stop it," he giggles, shoving my shoulder a bit too rough so I scoff and flip him off.

He hangs out his tongue and flips me off in return. I grab his hand and slide his long slender middle finger into my mouth, watching as his tongue slowly recedes back into his mouth as his jaw falls open; leaving his bottom lip wet with his tasty saliva. His olive eyes dilate as I push it all the way in, his finger so long it begins to curve down my throat. I suck hard on it and he releases an exhale before I slowly pull his finger out of my mouth, sucking as it glides out with a smack.

"Fuck," he moans as his eyes flutter before I grab his chin and kiss his lips.

"C'mon we have a plant to pot, Daddy," I bite his lip and ruffle his hair before getting up and grabbing the tree.

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