Chapter Eight

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I hold a shirt up to my torso and Keesha scrunches her nose, so I toss it in the pile of clothes on my floor that Keesha has denied rights to my suitcase. I grab a dress and hold it up to my body while she ponders.

"You're going to Mexico, too?" she asks and I nod.

"But I'll come back to pack for that."

"Oh okay, then no to that for now."

"Okay," I toss it in a different pile to start for Mexico and grab a checkered mini skirt.

"Yes!" she shouts, taking it from me and folding it, "with your Docs!"

"Oh my gosh, yes!" I squeal as I dig at the shoe rack at the bottom of my closet.

I find the high quality leather platforms with a zipper up the front and eyelets with laces up the eyerows on each side of the zipper. Keesha adds them to my suitcase as I stare at my closet for a shirt, chewing my lip before I look at my phone for the weather.

"What shirt, Keesha," I ask.

"Don't you have an off the shoulder black crop? Long sleeved?"

"YES!" I squeal more. "Keesha, I'm so glad you're my fashionable best friend!" I tell her as I grab the shirt off the hanger and she packs it in my suitcase.

"What are you wearing tomorrow?"

"I don't know," I whine and fall into the bed next to her and my luggage.

"Hmmm," she says as I roll onto my back and look up at her, "How about that outfit you wore for you finalization meeting, BUT," she puts a finger up when she sees I'm about to protest, "Ripped jeans and a band tee. Like your GunsN'Roses one! The one with the sides cut out too, so if you take the blazer off your sexy lacey fire red bra is visible."

I laugh at her sexy smirk and suggestive brow raise, "Okay! I'll do it."

"It's so you, Kat," she laughs, going to my closest herself, "Sophisticated, but still punk."

"Sophisticated Punk," I purse my lips and squint my eyes, "I like that. Thanks, girl!"

"Of course," she giggles and hangs the outfit up on my door, switching out the jeans for a darker wash with less rips.

"I'm nervous," I admit to her, feeling my stomach tighten up, but also swirl with intense excitement.

"To see Ashton?" she clarifies before sitting back down on the bed as I go back to the closet to pack extra outfits.

"A little bit," I say as I grab out a Led Zepplin shirt and hand it to her.

"I think its good Mark won't be there tomorrow," she says honestly, "you deserve that moment alone and I personally think he would ruin it."

"I think you're right," I sigh. "So I am excited to go alone," I smile to myself as I hand her some blouses and pants.

"I'm so excited for you," she grins at me, seeing my giddiness.

"Thank you," I giggle, feeling so elated.


My alarm sounds at 6am and I turn it off, already been awake for an hour thinking of how I want to do my hair and makeup before I go to the kitchen for some tea and breakfast. I feel nervous and anxious as I try to eat my yogurt, decided it probably wasn't the best meal choice, but my tea settles my tummy in turn and I breathe in the herbs to calm my mind. Keesha comes out of her room just as I finish my yogurt and helps herself to some tea before making some oats.

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