Chapter Fourteen

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"Did you have a good time today?" Ashton asks as he rubs his thumb on my hand that he holds in the elevator, back in his leather jacket and bowler shirt, and my mind exhausted from the small after party of drinks at a local bar.

"Today was one of the best days I've had in a long time. Us girls had so much fun. I've missed Crystal so much and Sierra is the sister I never had. It was a great day," I smile at my feet emotional before I look up at him.

"I always knew you and Sierra would get along," he smiles, looking up to see what floor we are stopping at to accept more passengers.

I hug him as the doors open up, grateful for this man who knows my soul like no other.

The giggling of a woman catches my attention, her partner's hands quickly retracting from her body as they come into our view. Both their cheeks flush as they get on, hitting the roof button where an exciting and beautiful bar is located. I keep my arms around Ashton, smiling kindly to the couple, hoping they too are in love and they are soul mates, too.

DING!, the elevator declares and the doors open up to Ashton's floor. We smile and nod to the couple before we step off, holding hands again as we walk slow but still with anticipation to his room. He brings our hands to his mouth and he kisses my hand, closing his eyes. I watch him, so in love with his lips, his pretty face, his soft hair, his amazing personality, his creative mind and always loving heart. Of all the people on the planet, how is it that we are alive at the same time, two parallel spirits; that connect perfectly like a puzzle?

His eyes open and he smiles at me lovingly, his eyes roaming my face, letting me know he is thinking something similar. He stops when we stand in front of his door, grabbing my face and kissing me sweetly, his fingers gentle on my jaw and his lips tender on mine. That beautiful dimpled smile is still on his lips when he pulls away, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, and I melt for him.

I lean up on my toes to kiss him before he takes out his keycard and opens the door, holding it so I can enter in first, of course. The room is dim with one lamp on and his hand reaches out for mine as I place my purse in the chair, pulling me to him. He grabs my face and I close my eyes, feeling my heart pound in my chest as my temperature increases; my emotions beginning to overwhelm me.

My hand runs up his chest until it feels his heart, stopping as I notice his is pounding just as hard as mine and I chuckle. He pulls away to look at me, confusion on his face, so I take his hand and place it over my heart. A smile takes over his face as we stand there, feeling each other's beating thread before we giggle and I tear up.

"I'm so happy," I say, "I can't believe I'm here with you, Ash."

"It's all I've wanted," he replies, his voice thick with emotion, "I'm so sorry for ever breaking up with you. It's the biggest regret of my life."

"Ashton," I throw my arms around him as he tries not to cry.

He buries his face in my hair and takes a shaky breath, "I shouldn't have done it. I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry I kept us apart," I say back, tears filling my eyes "I'm sorry I had all those walls."

"I'm sorry for all the partying and not answering your calls."

"I'm sorry for ignoring your calls, too and lying in Vegas."

"I'm sorry for being a dick and saying mean things to you."

"I'm sorry for being with Mark to forget about you."

"Fuck, I'm sorry for Mark, too."

"I'm sorry you felt so lost without me," I say sincerely, my heart hurting for his shattered one.

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