Chapter Nineteen

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I awake to an onslaught of messages; some backlash from the article but mostly support from friends and family. Nausea waves through me when I see an email from Preston Entertainment; my thumb too afraid to actually click it open. I chose to wait to read it and return to my text messages, reluctantly finding one from Parker himself.

P:Kat, I am absolutely appalled to read this article about you. Please know that i don't believe a single word and Fitzgerald's Venue will be on our HELL NO list. I cannot believe this at all. You have my deepest sympathies and I truly hope you are having a great time wherever you are right now. Don't let this ruin your time, I will fix any issues that may come our way at a company level. I've got your back during this difficult time.

Tears of relief fill my eyes as I continue to read the support and love from my mum and Keesha. Keesha is enraged and tells me she tweeted the post, exposing the furphies and even outted Mark for pushing her, many local news stations commenting, asking for interviews with her. I shake my head at the craziness when I see a text from Matt.

M: Kat, I am so sorry. I cant believe Mark would do this, its absolutely disgusting. Amelia says its because hes heartbroken you left him for that Ashton guy. I do know he was always jealous of him. I want to believe you didn't cheat on Mark, you don't seem to be that type of person, but I never thought Mark would throw someone to the dingos over jealousy either. Anyway, I hope you are well, I just want to reach out to let you know you still have a friend in me.

My tears really flow over realizing Matt has no idea about Amelia and Mark, my heart hurting as I decide to be the one to break it to him.

"Baby, don't read that stuff," Ashton says upset, coming out of the bathroom and crawling on the bed to take my phone.

"No its Matt," I say, "He doesn't know about Amelia and Mark. I have to tell him."

"Baby," Ashton replies sadly, his brows pulling together as he looks at my phone in his hand.

He sighs and hands it back, wiping my tears on my cheeks before he kisses my forehead, giving me the strength I need.


"Thank you, Keesha. I'll see you in a few days. Bye." I hang up with the best roommate in the world and look at Ash, feeling so exhausted.

"I knew she would agree," he smiles at me.

"I know," I huff, "but I still feel bad asking if someone she barely knows can temporarily live with her."

Ash twists his mouth at me before I flop back into the bed, still in my pajamas after telling Matt everything, a really long and complicated conversation with consoling and patience, before I then had to explain everything to Keesha for her permission to allow Matt to stay with her while I am with Ashton. I sigh heavily and drape my arm over my eyes, desperately wanting a nap but feeling guilty since it's a show day and this drama is spoiling the mood. Ash rubs my leg at the end of the bed, being my rock during my two phone calls; even while responding and handling his own issues from this stupid article.

"I'm so sorry for all this stealing from today," I murmur before he scoots up to me, making me laugh when he tries to kiss me, bonking his head on my arm that blocks his lips from mine.

He giggles his silly Ashton laugh as he removes my arm and then kisses me, continuing his silliness by grabbing my face and sprinkling pecks all over my face before he licks me. I squeal and squirm out of his grasp, scooting away when he grabs my hips and pulls me back, climbing over me. His smile turns serious as he looks down at me, brushing his knuckles over my cheek.

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