Chapter Six

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It's May when I brush my fingers through my shoulder length hair while walking down the street to my apartment, glad to be back home after flying to the states to look at a venue in Texas, when my phone begins to ring. Luke appears on the caller ID.

"LUKE!" I scream into the phone.

"KAT" he yells back and he both start laughing.

"How are you?! Wait, aren't you in Singapore?"

"Always with the 20 questions," he teases with a laugh, he sounds so full and happy, making my heart burst with happiness as well. "No we just got back home in LA. We stayed an extra week in Singapore though."

"That's great, Luke," I hope he can hear the smile on my face.

"Yeah, it was a great time, its wonderful there."

"I wouldn't know," I tease, "I missed every time! Damn luck."

"Well that's actually a perfect Segway as to why I called," he chuckles, "we will be in Sydney next week. Press and all that shit ya know how it is. But I'm bringing Sierra with me and I'd really like you to meet her. In person, I mean. But, also, I want you to come with us as like a guest and tour 'Straya with us. We should be arriving around May 18th and then we leave again on June 1st to Mexico. Whatasay? Kick it like old times?"

"Is everyone okay with that?"

"Whatyamean? You know everyone loves you. Things with you and Ash are okay aren't they?"

"Of course they are. I jus-" I stammer. "I just don't know if that would make him uncomfortable is all."

"It won't."

"Are you sure?" I get to my building and head up the stairs.

"Yes!" He chuckles. "So? Will you please?"

"You know I'm never going to say no to that! Touring with you guys was the best time of my life!" I giggle, "Plus I'm just dying to meet Sierra in person. No more FaceTiming her!

"Yeah, she's really excited. I think Crystal is coming too."

"Really?" I squeak. "Okay, I will be there!"

"Great! I can't wait. But I better get to bed. And I need to call mum real fast. Love ya!"

"Love ya! Bye!"

I leap up the rest of the steps and unlock my door. I shove my keys in my purse and hang it up on the rack then giddily dance my way towards my room.

"What's into you?" Keesha startles me from the couch.

"Oh my gosh you scared me!" I laugh with my hand over my heart before I sit next to her on the couch, facing her.

She laughs a throaty laugh, "My bad. So tell me!" she slaps my arm.

"I just got off the phone with Luke. They're coming here for some gigs and promo and he asked me to spend the week and a half with them going to the Aussie shows!"

"That's exciting! So you'll be on tour with them for a week like old times?"

"Yeah, kinda. But this time as a guest."

"So you'll be spending a week with the whole band? Including ex drummer boyfriend, the legendary Ashton?"

"Oh my gosh stop," I roll my eyes at her and she winks at me. "We're just friends. He will always be my best friend."

"Yeah, yeah I know. I still haven't bumped him out. You remind me all the time," she rolls her eyes, now, and pretends to be annoyed and I just laugh at her teasing. "No, I'm so happy for you to get this time to be with all of them again. It's going to be great. But there's one thing I'm worried about."

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