Chapter Three

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"To Kat!" Everyone cheers, raising their shots before slamming the back, the sounds of the glasses banging back on the table filling the air.

"Congratulations, truly," Amelia, the brunette with bleached platinum hair smiles at me, her lips pursing as she smiles, a bad fucking liar.

I know she doesn't like me, she never has. But I smile back; staring into her green eyes while giving her a friendly nod that I hope she knows is just as fake as her. She smiles more and leans into Matt, her kind, gentle fiancé, completely unaware of her infidelities.

She works as the head waitress at Mark's venue, Fitzgerald's, wearing extremely low cut or see-through tops to gain extra tips, I can respect the hustle, but also to gain the attention of the horny, big ego musicians that blow through town. She's trash.

"My hot ass girlfriend owns a fucking tour company!" Mark shouts, grabbing my ass, tipsy.

"Stop," I laugh, twisting his hand off me before he grabs my face and kisses me, pushing his tongue into my mouth. I kiss him back, leaning into his fit frame, just barely taller than me; my heels make us the same height.

We stay at the bar only a while longer, having one more beer and dancing to the little band before hailing a cab back to his apartment. I let him pull me inside as I run my fingers into his short blond hair, his hands slowly undressing me once we get into his room, my heat sparked. My drunken state allows him to lay me back while he kisses my body, telling me how hot and sexy he thinks I am as he rolls on a condom.

My heart pounds in my chest the whole time his hips slam into mine, my arms wrapping around his neck as I stare at the ceiling and try to feel something. My body finally begins to react, my tummy starting to swirl when he grunts loudly in my ear. He leans up and kisses me, panting before he rolls off, resting his hand on his forehead.

"You didn't finish did you?" he asks as I pull his sheet up to my chest and shake my head, screwing up the side of my mouth. "I heard that's normal, maybe next time," he rolls back and kisses me.

"Maybe," I smile faintly before asking, "Can I take a shower?"

"Sure," he yawns, "I'd join but I think I'm going to pass the fuck out."

"That's okay," I chuckle, wanting to be alone anyway. "G'night."

I kiss him before I sneak off to the bathroom, attempting not to wake up Matt or Amelia, Matt being Mark's roommate. I lock the door before I press my forehead against the cool wood, squeezing my eyes shut at the complete unsatisfied feeling that leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I clench my jaw, shutting every door and window in my mind before it fucking pelts me with memories of an alternative so much better. A euphoric world that only one person can provide to me.

"No!" I spit between my teeth opening my eyes to glare at the door.

I turn on the shower and the hot water runs over me, shame and guilt welling in my chest that I allowed Mark to be less than. Our relationship will never be good if I keep comparing Mark to.... him. Mark can never satisfy me if I continue to hold our experiences against... him. Ashton.

My breath catches as I feel my chest shake, just thinking his name controlling my emotions after the upset I experienced. Ashton wouldn't have let me walk away without being pleased. Ashton wouldn't have finished in the first place. Ashton would have noticed I wasn't feeling anything. Ashton would have slowed down and grabbed my knee, helping me obtain and surpass his level of pleasure before getting us both there together. Ashton.

"No," I say aloud again in a whisper, "Ashton is not yours."

I lean on the wall and let tears mix with the shower stream frustrated that I feel guilty. Like I just cheated. I clench my jaw hard, reminding myself I am with Mark. Mark doesn't know my body, that was only our first time. But he will. He will learn what I like and how to make me scream his name. I swallow as I contemplate that, deciding I'm not quite ready for that. My hand reaches to my mouth, shaking as I think of someone else's name falling off my lips.

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