Chapter Twenty-Seven

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My alarm goes off and before I can even turn it off, Ashton's arms grab me, pulling me into him. I giggle sleepily and wiggle away to turn the beeping off before I roll back into him, breathing in his homey scent. His hands run over my back before he squeezes me tight and he takes a deep breath, taking in my scent.

"I'm not ready for you to go," he says with his raspy morning voice.

My fingers glide over his chest to his shoulder and neck before I wrap my arm around his neck, pushing my head under his chin, "I'm going to miss you, too."

He wraps his arms tight around me and he squeezes my naked body to his, his warmth paradise on my skin as I drift into complete contentedness; blessed to be loved by him. My fingers play with his hair and he sighs before he kisses the top of my head, reassuring me of that love. He rests his chin in my hair until my alarm goes off again.

"I need to take a shower," I say as I roll away to turn my alarm off fully.

"Okay," he pouts playfully while cuddling into his pillow.

I kiss his cheek before I get out of bed and go into the bathroom, turning on the shower. The temperature heats up as I wait outside, checking with my hand before I step in, letting the hot water seep into my bones and awaken me. I brush my teeth as I wash and condition my hair before I slather a loofa with my body wash when two large hands slide over my hips.

Ashton's lips press to my shoulder while his chest molds to my back. I smile as I scrub at my body and then he takes the loofa from my hand to wash my back. He hands it back before kissing me under the ear, his breath heavy in my ear and mine immediately matches. His mouth grazes my cheek and I turn to meet him, his minty taste delicious as his hands roam over the sides of my body.

I lean back into him and reach around to grab his neck as I open my mouth to receive his talented tongue. I grab the hand he rests on my hip while his other hand travels up the middle of my body. My stomach swirls as his wide flat hand runs up my chest to my neck before he grabs my jaw. He pulls away and pivots before pushing me into the wall, my jaw dropping to accommodate my gasp.

His eyes watch my mouth as he brushes his lips up over mine, his tongue flicking out to lick my top lip, making me whine for him. He lets go of my jaw and grabs my neck before slamming his mouth to mine, hungry and zealous as he pressing his now wet body into mine. I wrap one arm around his waist while the other rests on his shoulder so my fingers can twist up in his hair.

He moans against my mouth as he presses his knee between my legs, making room for himself before he grabs my thighs and hikes me around his waist. I grab his face as I wrap my legs tight and stare into his olive green eyes, watching them close as I kiss his mouth, his beauty always captivating me. My kiss is deep and needy as he slides me down the wall to make the connection, slowly slipping into me.

I pull away to whine my pleasure, looking into his eyes to find the same satisfaction as he licks his lip. He grabs me under the ear again and hovers his open mouth over mine as he begins a savory steady tempo, relishing in me while also communicating is love to me. My hands fidgeted over his chest and claw at his shoulders as I easily become enthralled in him.

"Ash," I pant into his open mouth, loving the way he makes me feel; not just physically but whole and complete by his devotion to me.

He moans back, dragging his thumb over my cheek and I wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my chest into his as I need to be closer to him. His mouth covers mine as he pushes me back into the wall, chests together, kissing me wild and passionate as his rhythm increases, along with our breath. We pant between kisses, but our tongues stay connected and frenzied as we climb to release together.

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