Chapter Thirteen

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I squeeze Ashton's hand as we walk into the ballroom designated for us all to meet up and discuss the agenda for the day since we have such a large party. Everyone's eyes land on us, smiles taking over their faces and Crystal puts her hand over her mouth as her eyes squint up. My neck and cheeks heat up as Ashton rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed like me. He shrugs and lifts his hand, suggesting it is what it is.

"Don't act so surprised," Ash breaks the ice and everyone laughs.

"Man, I was really hoping to meet Mark," Luke jests as he and Sierra approach us, Ashton's hand going rigid in mine and Luke furrows his brows at the face I can't see from Ash. "You a'right, Mate?" Luke asks as Sierra's mouth parts open while she stares at my lip. She and I make eye contact before Luke grabs my face and tilts it up at him, his nostrils flaring before he asks with gritted teeth, "Did he fucking hit you?"

"What?" everyone else is the room asks, rushing over to me and I close my eyes.

"What the fuck," Mikey snaps when he gets close enough to see.

"Kat, what the fuck happened?" Calum asks before exchanging glances with Ashton.

"He didn't hit me," I sigh frustrated, "It's kind of a long story."

"He didn't hit you?" Crystal raises a brow.

"No but he fucking pushed her," Ash growls, getting upset again so I rub his arm with my free hand, causing him to look down at me.

"It's okay. That's all done now," I reassure him and everyone else.

"Has he ever hit you before?" Luke demands, his eyes flashing with anger.

"No," I shake my head, "He's always been a fucking dick, but never violent."

"Dick is an understatement," Ashton groans and rolls his eyes.

I sigh and look at everyone, feeling too mentally exhausted to explain everything and answer their questions. Mikey senses my dilemma and speaks ups.

"Well we want the story today, but right now we need to go catch the van. What are you ladies going to do?"

"I think some site seeing and catching up sounds nice," Crystal smiles before she kisses him.

"Yeah, that sounds fun," Sierra nods and then looks at me.

"Absolutely," I agree.

We all begin to go our separate ways before Ashton grabs me, pulling me to him as he reaches in his back pocket, bring out a keycard, "Take your stuff to my room, please." A huge smile grin takes over my face as I gladly take it and nod my head.

"We'll help her!" Crystal chirps from behind me and we laugh, before Ashton looks down at me with loving affection.

"I'll see you in the dressing room tonight," he smiles his dimples at me, superb happiness hidden in them before he shakes his head, "I never thought I'd say that to you again."

"I'll see you tonight," I reply before he bends down and kisses me, my stomach flipping as I yearn to feel his skin on mine, the light stroke of his tongue reciprocating that longing, but also the deep fate twining love that makes us one.

"I love you," I say when he pulls away.

"I love you, too. Text me," he raises a brow as he walks backwards, reluctant to leave before he turns around and disappears out the door.


The girls and I make it to my room and I quickly pack up my things as they respectfully try not to pry, making small talk about shopping and a nice quiet restaurant we can have brunch at. I zip my bag and stare at them, Sierra genuinely smiling back and Crystal chewing her lip, begging me to spill. A sigh escapes me as I run my hands over my bag and then touch my lip, my eyes darting between their faces.

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