Chapter Four

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Its mid January in Australia when my phone rings, my attention leaving my lappy as I desperately try to figure out how to combine two schedules for this new up and coming band. A smile spreads across my face as I see the caller ID: CalumBestie⚽️.

"Hi Calum!" I chirp once I answer the call.

"Hey Kat!" Calum's warm deep voice snickers back at me. "How are you?"

"I'm great, how are you doing?"

"I'm good," I can hear his smile through the phone, "Just preparing for the upcoming tour in two months. This album is amazing, Kat. It's going to be fucking great."

"I believe it!" I exclaim, "Luke's told me its been a difficult journey but you guys are solid in your work. I believe in you wholeheartedly, Cal."

"Thank you, Kat. It was a fucking struggle, I can't believe were on the other side," he scoffs, "I'm so excited for this tour. I've missed it."

"I know a few people on your tour board and they are some very creative and talented people. You guys are in great hands."

"Yeah, they have some sick ideas. I'm stoked," he sniggers, sounding slightly nervous. I want to ask why, wondering if there was a specific purpose to this call, but I don't want to be rude. Luckily he answers me by asking, "I'll be home next week to see my parents for my birthday, can we go out and get dinner? I haven't seen you in forever. I want to catch up."

"Of course! My roommate will actually be gone so, why don't I cook us some dinner and tell each other everything that's going on?"

"That sounds fucking awesome," Calum agrees, excitement in his voice. "I can't wait to see you. I'll reach out for a good day?"

"My schedule is open wide, so yeah, just reach out when you're here," I confirm.

"Great! Can't wait, Kat."

"Me neither."

"I'll talktoyalater."

"Bye, Calum.

"Bye, Kat."


"Calum is coming over for dinner tomorrow night, maybe you could stop by to say hi or something?" I suggest as Mark and I walk in the sand on the beach, our thongs dangling from our fingers, "I'd really like for you to meet him."

"Kat, do you listen? For someone who manages so many schedules you don't seem to give a shit about mine."

"Mark," I look at him, stunned by his insult and sudden rudeness.

"I've told you three times that is a huge night for us. We have three bands to accommodate, I'll be at Fitzgerald's all day."

"That's right," I nod, remembering, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," he says, but doesn't mean it.

"I'm just so excited," I defend myself quietly.

"Yeah, I know," his tone holds annoyance and I sigh, looking out at the ocean.

"He might be here long enough for you guys to meet," I think out loud.

"I don't need to meet him, its fine," he says flatly.

"Why not?"

"I don't need to meet all the guys you fucked," he says disgusted.

"I've never slept with Calum!" I shout, stopping in my tracks, appalled.

"Kat, you don't need to lie to me," he turns and shakes his head.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I raise my voice, not caring who is witnessing.

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