Chapter Fifteen

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"I'm so excited for you to meet her," I squeal as I hold Ashton's hand and pull him up the stairs, his giggle ringing out at my excitement.

I pull my key out of my purse and throw the door open, as Ashton follows behind with my suitcase I need to repack for Mexico and Brazil.

"Honey, I'm home," I jest before Keesha comes out of her room, grinning big before she gives me a hug and then looks at Ashton.

"Keesha this is Ashton, Ashton this is Keesha,"

"Nice to meet you," Ash flashes his dimples and extends his hand, "I've heard heaps about you."

"Likewise," she smirks at Ashton and they laugh at my blushing.

"What have I done," I ask myself quietly and stare at the ground before Keesha shoves my shoulder.

"C'mon, Kat," she laughs and walks to my room, Ashton raising his brow at me before he follows.

Ashton throws my suitcase on the bed before he starts looking around my room, smiling at my knick-knacks and scattered clothing articles. Keesha starts removing the clothes to make room for the new ones and I join her, watching Ashton in the process. He smiles at the suar wood sculpture he bought me in Bali and my stack of AltPress magazines before he stands on the other side of the bed from us, looking at the articles that decorate my walls. Keesha folds the clothes I piled on the floor by the bed for Mexico and packs them while I search my closet, pulling out clean shirts and jeans.

"Do you want me to do something?" Ash asks, watching us ladies.

"Her underwear is in that drawer if you wanna grab some," Keesha laughs and points to my underwear drawer.

"Ooooooh!" Ashton teases.

"You've seen all of them," I roll my eyes and he snickers anyway, opening the drawer.

"What about that fire red lacey pair? I don't think anyone's seen those but me," Keesha teases, mentioning the pair of underwear that match the bra I wore the day I met back up with the guys under my GunsNRoses.

"I think I'd like to see that pair," he smirks grabbing a handful of my underwear and approaching Keesha, unsure of what to do with it.

She laughs and opens the inside zipper, making him laugh too, embarrassed before Keesha says, "The red pair is in her bottom drawer with her swimsuits."

"You are the worst," I laugh, handing her a dress that she folds.

"That's where she keeps her sexy stuff," Keesha fills in Ash as he opens the drawer and I hit her shoulder.

"Oh I remember these," Ash sniggers as he lifts up the hot pink pair that I was wearing the first time he ever pleasured me, using his hand.

"Stop it," I blush and put a pair of sandals in the suitcase.

"Oh your first orgasm panties," Keesha says and I stare at her wide eyed as Ash starts to giggle.

"Fuck she really has told you everything," he says as he tosses the pink panties at me, "Your packing those."

"Yes, Daddy," I tease him, as my neck flushes.

"Yeah, she tells me everything," Keesha smiles at me then looks back at Ashton, "which is why I wondered what the fuck she was doing with Mark and not YOU!"

"We're all wondering that," I groan and flop onto the bed as Ashton chuckles, standing up with the red lacey panties and two swimsuits, tossing them into the suitcase.

"Yeah he's quite the cock isn't he?" Ashton states and Keesha laughs.

"Fucking terrible!" she waves her hands and Ashton nods, "He was such a dick, too."

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