Chapter Eleven

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Ashton's feet carry him to his room, his mind racing as it focuses on his tingling lips and hands; the texture of her soft plush skin lingering behind. His whole body vibrates from the contact, her small whimpered moan on replay in his ears and his tongue still tasting of hers.

He arrives at his door somehow, a shiver running  down his spine as he presses his forehead to the heavy wood and imagines her fingers running up his neck and into his hair as they just did. A deep breath whooshes from his lungs before he opens his door and goes inside, the emptiness not feeling as strong as it usually does since she kissed him back. She kissed him.

His eyes take in the gift she gave him before he stands it up on the dresser, running his thumb over the frame. A smile curls on his lips at her thoughtfulness and loving heart. The loving heart he loves deeply. He sighs as he sits on the bed, leaning on his knees as he brings his hands to his lips, recalling their encounter.

She reacted so quickly to him, only the one hesitation which he believes was just shock, he felt it too. But she kissed him. She made the connection he longed to make all damn day.

His heart pounds with hope. Could she still love him more than Mark? He couldn't ask her to choose. He has no right. But he has to tell her.

His stomach clenches at the thought of revealing his transgressions, but she needs to know. If he ever has a shot at being with her, and being happy again, he has to tell her. He has to tell her everything.

Ashton finally lays his head down to sleep; the feeling of her consuming his mind as he falls asleep completely sober for the first time in over a year.

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