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"Don't fucking touch my friend again or I will hang you from the lockers by your diaper. Then if someones gay enough they can help you down and you can go cry too your mommy" 



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Jimin's POV

Yoongi and I just arrived at the boarding school after about a 4 hour drive from Busan to the outskirts of Seoul.

Luckily the school grounds opened at 10am and we arrived at 10:50am.

So I have 10 minutes to get used to my surroundings before finding out who I am rooming with.

Yoongi and I got out of the car and we approached the school's entrance.

My aunts summer boarding school is big.

It has about 8 different levels and our dorm rooms are in a separate building right next to it with about 11 different levels.

The buildings are modern and made from red looking metals.

I have been to the school before when I was younger with my aunt when everyone was in class so I know where things are in the school which is really useful.

However I've never attended before so I'm not sure how its run.

"Aye Yoongi! Jimin! Over here!" A familiar voice called out.

I caught sight of the boy with red hair waving us over and both Yoongi and I approached him.

"Hey J-hope" I said with a smile.

"How was you boys ride here?" He asked

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"How was you boys ride here?" He asked.

J-hope is semi rich so he managed to get flown over with his parents because they were attending a business trip in Seoul.

"Was alright" Yoongi said.

"Psh he only found it alright because I ended up driving and he slept for like 3 fucking hours" I whined.

J-hope laughed.

"I'm not surprised" He said.

I laughed too.

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