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"I like to fuck people, not date one that probably wears glasses and holds his books in his arms like such a gay nerd"



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Taehyung's POV

Jungkook tapped my arm.

"Can you hurry up with your locker already. I'm so bored" Jungkook whined.

"Shut the fuck up. I need to make the condoms accessible" I said with a smirk.

I stuck all my books for the year that I won't be using on one side of my locker and stuck a jar with condoms in it on the right.

I smirked trying to decide if I put the lid of the jar on or not.

I felt Jungkooks eyes wander away from me as footsteps approached us.

But they kept walking.

"Holy shit did you see him?" Jungkook gulped.

"See who?" I asked him.

"The boy with pink candy hair and such a plump booty" Jungkook said to me.

I looked over at Jungkook then looked around the hallway.

"I think you're seeing things Jeon. You must be fantasizing to much if you imagined a male with pink hair" I said to him continuing with my locker.

"He's gone now you idiot" He said leaning against the locker beside mine again.

"Why don't you go find and talk to him then?" I asked him with a chuckle not believing him.

"For starters, he went into the reception office to maybe see the principal so he seems like a goody two-shoes which isn't my kind of a guy" Jungkook said.

Then he continued, "I like to fuck people, not date one that probably wears glasses and holds his books in his arms like such a gay nerd" Jungkook told me.

I laughed.

"Come on. It's how we roll around here. You and I don't date people, we just fuck them" He said facing me again.

"Yea well we are on top of everyone else so technically if you wanted a candy floss bootylicious dude then go for it because I have plenty of condoms for us to fuck people over summer, so if you want he can be included" I said.

"He's probably not gay" Jungkook said leaning against the lockers again.

"You won't know unless you ask him Jeon. Plus what straight person has candy floss pink hair?" I muttered to him as other people seemed to enter into the locker room.

Jungkook gulped.

"He's coming back" He whispered to me.

I rolled my eyes and started to do up my lock attached to my locker as Jungkook eyed up the boy with pink candy floss hair while sucking up his red raspberry frozen drink.

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