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"You are the first person I've ever seen do that without having a punch to your jaw. Are you sure you didn't suck his dick?"



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Jimin's POV

I woke up and was about to get out of bed as a small leg followed by a naked girl climbed down from the bunk bed.

I sighed as I heard Taehyungs voice.

"Get out now" He snapped to the female as he threw her clothes over onto her body and she frantically put on her clothes before leaving.

I kept my face hidden and tried to not look at her body as I found it extremely unappealing.

It was a girl called Hyeon.

I know her because I remember Yoongi saying she was one of the prettiest girls who regularly attended the summer boarding school.

However he told me he would never date her as she is a slut.

I listened as the door clicked.

"Why was their a naked girl in our dorm Taehyung" I asked now sitting up in bed.

His head swung over the bunk bed and he looked down at me.

"I thought you were asleep" He said.

"I was but I woke up" I said.

"I invited her around" He said as he jumped down from the top bunk bed and walked over to his locker in his grey sweatpants.

I saw red clawing marks all over his back.

"And you had sex with her while I was asleep" I said.

"Who said we fucked?" he asked looking back at me.

"Your back does" I said getting up from the bottom bunk bed.

"What's wrong with my back?" he asked alarmed.

"Covered in scratches" I said pulling some clothes from the closet.

"Also your condom box is open" I said heading towards the bathroom.

"I'm not going to not fuck a female just because your here. Just I will try and be quiet about it" Taehyung shouted out.

I rolled my eyes.

I don't even know why I thought it would be possible that I could end up with Taehyung.

That dream shouldn't even exist.

I pulled on some casual clothes and then neatly made my bed and put my pjs under my pillow.

Taehyung then walked in and he watched me.

"What?" I muttered.

"Hurry up. I want to go eat fucking breakfast" He groaned.

"Why can't you go by yourself?" I asked him as I sat down on my bed putting my black boots on to make me appear taller.

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