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"Drop the clothes then hmm?"



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Taehyung's POV

"Later's Jeon" I said smacking his arm before typing in the code to my dorm.

I opened the door and then closed it chucking the bag on my top bunk.

"Am back Jimin-ah" I said also taking my shoes off by the door.


I looked up hearing a familiar raspier voice.

I looked up seeing my brothers boyfriend sitting at the table with Jimin as he was studying.

I smiled.

"Namjoon" I said walking over to them.

Namjoon stood up and hugged me.

"God It's been a while since I saw you" Namjoon said.

I smiled.

"It has. You are looking good though" I said to him.

"So do you however you need to be making your bed. Jin would be disgusted with you if he knew you weren't" Namjoon said.

I laughed.

"He would" I said.

"Hang on you know each other?" Jimin asked in disbelief looking at both Namjoon and I.

"Yes" Namjoon said.

"How?" Jimin asked.

"That's none of your business however maybe I will tell you someday" I said to Jimin before Namjoon could tell him.

Namjoon instantly slapped my arm.

"Yah what!" I exclaimed as he sat back down.

"Be nice. You could have just said it was a story for another time rather then being a bitch" Namjoon said.

"For starters, I'm not as nice as the fruit loop in front of me" I said sitting on a chair in front of Jimin who scrunched up his nose at me.

"And you know that" I said to Namjoon.

"Who the fuck are you calling fruit loop. Jimin is a nice person who I'd happily spend time with so you better shut up with that bullshit before I cut your balls off. Secondly, if you don't speak nicely then how do you think that you won't be kicked out of school this year hmm?" Namjoon said.

I sighed.

I just told Jungkook and Jin that I was going to try and be nicer to Jimin but I'm already failing.

"Anyways I'm bout to head off home but it was lovely to see you again Jimin. And Taehyung I hope you don't muck up this year because I don't want to see you at my house this year" Namjoon said with a sigh.

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