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"Now go back to your Romeo!"



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Jimin's POV

"I- Jimin I am in love with you"

I woke up and gasped sitting up right.

It was so dark around me.

Was it all just a dream?

I so badly want Taehyung to love me. 

I want to be his and I want him to be mine.

I gasped feeling the bed sheets move.

I looked down at my lap as I saw an arm lying across my lap.

"Are you okay?"

I looked back and smiled seeing Taehyung lying down in bed next to me.

"Had another nightmare hm?" He asked his voice sounding raspy and deep from him being sleepy.

I nodded as I lay down beside him again.

He pulled me closer to him.

"I am here I promise" He said giving me a sweet kiss on my forehead.

I beamed.

~ Flashback ~

"I- Jimin I am in love with you"

I can't believe what I am hearing.

He loves me?

Is this true?

"Are you being honest about what you said after what I heard?" I asked him frowning.

He nodded.

"Jimin I promise. I wouldn't pull all these romance references out unless I was serious" Taehyung said.

All I could do was stare at him.

Does Taehyung actually love me?

Because it's true, Taehyung wouldn't speak of love when he doesn't believe it unless he meant it.

Plus he doesn't know that I am gay so therefore he is risking a lot for me right now.

"Is all of this true?" I asked feeling my stomach start to churn.

I've treated him so badly...

"Yes" He said looking at me.

I felt tears start to build up in my eyes and for some reason they just flowed down my cheeks.

"Ah Jimin-ah~" Taehyung said getting up.

He walked around the table and sat down in a chair next to me.

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