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"Mmm how would you like it if I touched your dick huh?"



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Jimin's POV

I woke up in Taehyungs arms feeling his boner against my ass.

I wanted to just go back to sleep because I had the best sleep I've like ever had in Taehyungs arms.

I believe I fell asleep watching the second movie that we watched last night and I have no clue when Taehyung fell asleep but I knew he slept from having a morning boner.

I felt Taehyung lightly tap my cheek.

"Do you have to?" I said with a slightly raspy morning voice as I slapped his hand away from my face.

I heard his deep voice chuckle.

"Did I wake you?" He asked.

"No but your big dick jabbing into my lower ass did" I said without even thinking.

I say things I shouldn't when I'm tired because I'm way less aware of what's going on.

"Wha- you can feel it?" Taehyung said.

I turned to face him.

His hair was messy but god was it hot.

"What did you expect when you pulled me up against you?" I asked him raising my eyebrow.

Taehyung shrugged.

"I mean all guys get morning boners except I bet you haven't got one because your secretly a girl" Taehyung said laughing.

But I watched his hand press against my formed boner from seeing Taehyungs messy brown hair.

I frowned at him as he bit his lip pulling his hand away.

"I'm not a flipping girl or transgender, not that anything is wrong with them but don't touch my fucking dick" I said and he bit his lip harder.

"Mmm how would you like it if I touched your dick huh?" I said without even processing my words.

Taehyung chuckled.

His voice was hot and raspy.

"You want to fix my morning boner hmm?" He said.

My eyes widened.

So much of me would 100% say yes but that would give it away that I'm gay.

My mind just thought about me bouncing up and down on Taehyungs dick and god was my mind out of it.

I felt my boner getting so much worse.

Taehyung's eyes never left me.

He seemed to be waiting for my answer.

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