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"What the bloody fuck did you do to my best friend!?" 



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Jimin's POV

I felt no emotions kissing Jieun, she surely wasn't Taehyung, that was for sure but if Taehyung was going to curse out my name then he deserves to be either shocked or heart broken.

I don't care anymore.

I'm going rogue.

I pulled back from the kiss and Jieun's eyes stayed on my lips.

"Want to go have some fun?" I whispered my tone seductice still inches from her face.

She giggled.

I watched her head direct in the place that I presume Jungkook and Taehyung saw me from and I took her hand in mine pulling her down the hallway towards Taehyung and I's room.

Taehyung's POV

I stumbled backwards grabbing my heart.

"I don't understand" I repeated as my back hit the wall.

"What the fuck" Jungkook exclaimed looking at me.

"Why was he kissing her?"Jungkook asked.

"You think I fucking know? I feel like my heart just shattered. I was so close to telling Jimin that I have feelings for him the whole of yesterday and today. Like I thought you were taking Jimin from me but now she is... Jeon I don't think he likes me" I cried sitting down with my head back against the wall.

"Taehyung. I'm going to be honest with you, what I saw makes no sense because I swear Jimin isn't straight. I swear he wants you not her" Jungkook said as he sat with me speechless.

"Fuck, I should never have even tried with him. I fucking fell for him thinking love was real and mutual, turns out no. The only real fucking emotion is heart break" I snapped.

I am completely broken...

No, I'm shattered.

"Taehyung, Jungkook, we have a meeting now if you do so please join the class" Our dancing teacher said appearing from the staff room next to the stairs.

They always keep delicious food in their unlike our shit food in the cafeteria.

Jungkook and I occasionally steal some.

Jungkook pulled me up as we headed to class.

I hated how sick I felt.

I felt as though I may puke any second.

We both sat down at the back with an empty seat for where Jimin is supposed to sit.

He walked in late and I groaned as I saw Jieun's neck covered in hickeys.

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