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"Threesome in Taehyungs car"



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Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung, did you just kiss a boy's cheek?"

Right now, I wish I could disappear into thin air.

I watched Jin turn around confused to face the voice that spoke.

"Eomma?(mom) Appa?(dad)" Jin gasped.

"What are you doing here?" Jin asked them as Namjoon turned to face them too.

Jungkook shuffled towards me and stuck his hand in mine for support.

"We came to visit you Jin as a surprise" My father said.

"Now I know you saw it too Jin, so someone better get talking as to why Taehyung just kissed a boys cheek" Our mother snapped.

"And what are you even doing out of school Taehyung, were you kicked out again?" She grumbled.

"Get up" I said in Jimin's ear.

He stood up and so did I still holding Jungkook's hand.

But I let go to grab Jimin's hand.

"Eomma, Appa, this is my boyfriend" I said feeling sick.

"Boyfriend?" My mother exclaimed.

"Are you not ashamed of yourself!? Males were born to marry women and provide children. Now you won't even be providing children at this rate. Are you stupid?" My mother huffed.

I gripped Jimin's hand tighter and Jimin soothingly rubbed his fingers over my knuckles.

"I am not ashamed of being with the person I love so no" I said meeting her eyes.

"I don't believe this, Taehyung you had women over almost everyday but yet you are dating a man? This is absurd" My father grumbled.

"Dad I am bisexual. I like women and men. I may have had a lot of women over then but now all I want is Jimin" I snapped.

"Get out. Short boy get out. You don't belong in our family" My mother snapped at Jimin.

"No. Jimin stays. You both get out" Jin snapped to our parents.

I wrapped my arm around Jimin pulling him closer to me and leaving my hand against his waist.

Jimin smelt so delicious tonight, his chosen cologne is so wonderful to smell and it's really calming me down.

"You can't surely be backing up Taehyung's behavior. You will be the only one providing for us now with grandchildren and you never even seem to have a girlfriend" Our mother snapped.

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