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"I remember you said, Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead~"



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Taehyung's POV

I stayed up waiting for Jimin.

Mostly because I was worried about him.

I had a bad feeling about trusting Jungkook with Jimin.

He doesn't know him in the way I know Jimin which means he will push Jimin into things that I won't like.

I looked up hearing the front door click.

I saw Jimin's petite body shape and smiled.

At least he's all in one piece.

"Your back" I said my voice raspy.

Jimin seemed to jump like I frightened him.

However he didn't seem to be looking straight.

Almost like he was trying to focus on who I was.

"Who are you?" Jimin said tilting his head to the side.

I raised my eyebrow.

What does he mean 'who am I?'

I'm your future boyfriend dip shit...

"What?" I said confused by his question.

"I said who are you?" Jimin asked again.

"Jimin you know who I am" I said walking over to his smaller body.

Jimin instantly gripped his forehead.

He looks terrible.

Absolutely ruined.

"Who's Jimin again?" Jimin said looking up at me.

That's when I caught his eyes.

They were red. 

Very red.

"Jimin did you get high?" I asked.

Jimin didn't answer.

He seemed to stare at my lips.

I gasped as Jimin fell back against the front door.

I watched Jimin fall to the ground and my heart raced.

My eye's widened and Jimin's eyes slowly closed.

"No no no no" I muttered.

I crouched down in front of Jimin and picked him up while his eyes opened slightly.

I lifted him to the couch as Jimin's head fell back and his eyes closed.

"Jimin-ah" I said putting him down while tapping his face.

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