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"Wanna come to my bedroom Jimin-ah?"



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Jimin's POV


We all approached Namjoon who was shouting at Taehyung for his attention as everyone was outside the front of the school finding their relatives.

"Joonie" Taehyung said with a smile hugging him.

"Hi Jimin-ah" He said pulling back from the hug and seeing me.

"Ah Jungkook-ah" Namjoon said with a smile seeing Jungkook.

"Long time no see" Jungkook said with a bright smile.

"Your hair is lovely" He said seeing the younger's new hair colour.

"Thank you, I actually did this to my hair last night so it's very new" he said beaming.

"Right shall we get going?" Taehyung said grabbing my hand as we headed into Taehyungs car.

We all sat in the back seats except for Namjoon who drove us out of the school grounds in Taehyungs car.

"Couldn't Taehyung have sat in the middle?" I whined.

"No your smaller then the rest of us" Taehyung said patting my leg.

"I kind of wish Taehyung sat in the middle too" Jungkook said.

"Why? Are you nervous because I'm so close to you Jungkook-ah?" I said with a smirk turning to him.

Jungkook gave an unconvincing soft chuckle.

Taehyung leaned over to me and whispered into my ear.

"Run your hand along his thigh" 

Then he pulled back.

I looked at Taehyung who gave me a nod before I turned back to Jungkook.

"Yah! Your both up to something and I don't think I am going to like it" Jungkook whined.

"Oh Kookie darling, why wouldn't you like it?" I said patting his thigh.

Then slowly I trailed my fingers from his lower thigh towards his crotch.

Jungkook's eyes went wide.

"Joon!" Jungkook squealed.

"Mmm?" He said looking into the mirror at us in the back.

"Jimin is inappropriately touching me in Taehyungs car" Jungkook said with a voice crack.

Taehyung and I cracked up laughing hearing his voice nervously break.

"Stop teasing me" Jungkook groaned.

"Ah fine, I will stop" I said removing my hand.

"Though can you, oh wait actually I can do it" I said before I leaned over Jungkook running my hand over his crotch as put the window up.

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