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"Need help soft boy?"



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Jimins POV

My heart was beating very fast.

Like yes Taehyung is currently dragging me down the street to god knows where but he wrapped his arm around me!

It felt so nice feeling his long slender arm underneath mine.

And his arm just rubbing against my upper waist.

He is 100% boyfriend and daddy material but just is putting on an act.

"Cigarette?" Taehyung offered me as we walked down a dimly lit alleyway.

"I don't smoke" I said to him.

"That doesn't mean you won't smoke. Why don't you try it" Taehyung said holding his hand out to me with a cigarette between his fingers.

"Cigarettes have harmful chemicals in it that could harm your body. Why would I smoke something bad for me" I said as we walked.

He laughed.

"Such a soft boy" He teased before pulling out a lighter to lit his own cigarette.

"I'm not a soft boy" I whined.

My eyes caught a glimpse of some earrings in the store we walked past.

I stopped looking at them.

Taehyung realized I stopped walking and looked back at me.

He walked over beside me.

"Why are you looking at jewelry soft boy" he teased again.

"Fuck you Taehyung. I'm allowed to have interests in earrings" I said seen as I do have my ears pierced.

He leaned against the wall of the store while I carried on looking at the earrings.

He blew out smoke at my face which made me cough.

"Yah, do you have to" I whined.

"Yes" he said with a smirk seeing the irritation on my face.

"Jungkook also stopped at this store when I very first took him out at night" he said.

"What has this got to do with shit?" I said now looking at him.

He blew smoke out of his mouth and threw the cigarette on the ground.

"Which one do you like hmm?" He asked me.

He turned his attention to the cabinet.

"The silver ones their" I answered pointing to a pair of earrings.

"The silver ones their" I answered pointing to a pair of earrings

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