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"Why are you on top of me Jimin-ah?"



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Taehyung's POV

I left the bathroom and saw Jimin sitting up in bed.

I picked up my phone.

"Do you have any cigarettes?"

I looked up to see Jimin looking at me.

"What?" I said raising an eyebrow at him.

"Did you not hear my question?" Jimin asked tilting his head to the side.

"Wha- I do but you didn't want one the other night" I said shocked.

"That doesn't mean I don't want one ever" Jimin snapped.

"I'm not giving you one, your just grumpy" I said turning the bedroom light off and approaching the bed bunks.

However Jimin grabbed my wrist and push my back down onto the bed.

I felt his legs either side of me.

I felt nervous as I saw Jimins face appear over mine.

"Fine, explain why there was a video of me on your phone then and maybe I won't need a cigarette to feel less grumpy with you" Jimin said looking into my eyes.

"I told you not to touch my shit" I grumbled trying to push Jimin off me but instead he held onto my shoulders and pushed me down to the bed.

"May have been your phone but I was on it so I deserve to know" Jimin said.

"My brother sent me it" I said.

"But he doesn't even know who I am" Jimin snapped.

"He does. I mentioned you when I called him during my football practice earlier" I said to him.

"Why would you mention me?" Jimin asked.

I felt my dick start to grow from seeing Jimin up close and god did I want to shove Jimin off me.

His plump lips and dark eyes were very hot.

And the way his soft pink hair fell around his face was so effortless and perfect.

"Why would you mention me?" Jimin repeated snapping me out of my daydream.

"That's not your business" I mentioned.

"It is if it includes me" Jimin whined.

"I will tell you another time okay?" I said trying to push him off but he wouldn't move.

"Why are you on top of me Jimin-ah?" I said again trying to push him off.

But as I pushed him lightly I felt my stomach start to roll.

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