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"Oh trust me, we both may want to be with Kim Taehyung, however if he wants you and I can help break his heart a little if he treats you like fucking dirt or something, I will happily do it" 



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Jimin's POV

"So come dance with me"

I smiled as he turned to face me on the dance floor.

"What if your seen as gay from dancing with a guy?" I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

"Then I will just tell them I'm not" Taehyung said before standing closer to me.

He leaned down close to my face making my heart beat wildly.

"Are you backing out of dancing with me?" He said staring into my eyes.

I felt my cheeks start to heat up.

"No" I said biting my bottom lip.

"Good. I never said you need to dance good. Just dance like an idiot with me" Taehyung said standing up straight again.

I watched him start to dance.

He looked stupid.

I giggled and joined in with his terrible dancing.

"Are you drunk?" I asked him while dancing around with him.

More people started to join us on the dance floor pushing Taehyung and I closer together while we danced.

"Nah. Just rather tipsy" Taehyung said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"By the way how was your practice with Jungkook? I see he didn't murder you" Taehyung said.

I giggled.

"It was good. Ah we didn't dance a lot but we did form the start of our dance and he no longer wants to kill me which is very good" I said smiling.

~ Flashback ~

"How about I start it then... Namjoon told me you have a crush on my younger brother..."

My heart started to race.

"Yes... I do" I said nervously.

"Tell me why you like him" Jin said steadily into the phone.

"Hmm okay well..." I started saying.

I smiled to the thought of Taehyung.

"I like the way he's out spoken even though I can be out spoken. It makes me feel as though I know someone similar to me who can stand back up to me if I maybe say something a bit to honest and harsh" I started.

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