Chapter 1: A new world

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The Office of Nival Intelligence have received a report about the Covenant discovering a Forerunner artefact that will sure will be a massive threat to humanity. Not wanting the Covenant to take the Forerunner artefact to High Charity so they can use it, they sent one Spartan Headhunter to retrieve this artefact and bring it back to the UNSC so ONI can study it and maybe use it against the Covenant. However this Spartan's mission maybe his his universe.

(Year: 2534)
(Date: 15th March)
(Time: 6:18pm)
(Location: Unknown colony)

A UNSC Pelican flies over the forest and fly low so the Covenant anti aircraft cannons will not shoot it down. The pilot press some buttons before he turns to the back of the Pelican and calls out.

Male UNSC pilot: We're dropping in 5 seconds.

???: Understood pilot.

A Spartan stood up and pulls out his assault rifle attached to a grenade launcher while he picks out a shotgun and slide it onto his back and a Magnum with a suppressor attached to it.

He then pull out his build in human engery sword and his engery sheild that he made and life them into his waist.

Male UNSC pilot: This is has far as I go! Good luck Spartan!

Then the hatch of the Pelican open up and we have a clear look at Y/n-B783 with his Spartan armor as he looks down at the ground before Turing his head to the pilot and said.

Y/n: I bet I'll be back within a day or so.

Male UNSC Pilot: (chuckle) I'll bet on it.

Y/n leaps out of the Pelican and lands safely onto the ground ans swing his assault rifle around to check for Covenant. Luckily there was none and he stood up and look up to see the Pelican fly off and out of site.

Y/n: (thought) OK, let's do this.

He aims his rifle in front and March through the dirt road to get to his location. He slowly walks through the woods aiming his rifle around for any ambushes ans keep a watch on his motion tracker on his helmet for any movement.

Either the Covenant left and got what they needed or fall asleep because there is nothing for miles which seem good but at the same time bad since he may not know what the Covenant is up to and they might set a trap for him to either to get capture or killed.

After a while of walking he arrived at his location. He duck down behind the bushes and see a few Covenant troops in front what appears to be a Forerunner bunker with a door behind two grunts sealed shut. There were a fee Elite's, Jackels ans grunts patrolling the area.

Y/n: (thought) Not much Covenant force for something they are exited about. Oh well, at least this mission will be easy.

He load up his grenade launcher and aims it over the Covenant troops.

Y/n: (thought) Let's start this party.

He fired one grenade and seconds later there was an explosion that got the Covenant troops surprised. Then Y/n rushes out and fires his rifle at a few elites and take them out.

A jackel charge up it's plasma pistol and fire a bolt at Y/n but he deployed his engery shield and blocks the jackels blast and then kill a jackel with his shotgun.

Then a few grunts and elites fire on Y/n but he blocks their plasma with his engery shield and swap his shotgun with his Magnum and fire a few rounds at them and took them out.

One elite roars and active his engery sword which made Y/n smirk inside his helmet.

Y/n: (smirk) Alright Elite, let's dance.

Halo Op Male Spartan reader X Fairy Tail: A super soldier within Fairy Tail Where stories live. Discover now