Chapter 43: Gildarts arrival

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It was another day at Magnolia where we see Y/n on top of the guild and looking at the veiw of Magnolia just thinking about something when Rex came over and find him.

Rex: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Oh hey Rex. What brings you up here?

Rex: Just here for a smoke. You?

Y/n: Just relaxing. Things have been quiet for the past few months.

Rex: Yeah. All Banished activity seem to be gone dark.

Y/n: Yeah. I still can't believe it's been a year since we came to this crazy world.

Rex: You and me both. Wizards, mythical creatures, magic, heck even dimensions. Things have been crazy for us.

Y/n: Say even wondering if our world is okay? You'll think humanity won the war?

Rex: Hard to say. Without communicating to our world, we can't be sure.

Y/n: Yeah. Say do you miss anyone back in our world?

Rex: Not really no.

Y/n: Oh. Well still if humanity did lose the war, guess this makes us as the last UNSC that survived.

Rex: Maybe.

The two fall silent for a while when suddenly there was a alarm which Y/n gets up and listens in.

Y/n: What's that alarm?

Rex: Doesn't sound like any alarm I've heard.

Suddenly there was a shake and they look out to see the buildings and streets are shifting and forms into a one way path towards the guild. The two decade to head inside to find out what's going on.

Once inside they noticed that everyone is getting ready and Natsu is getting all excited so Y/n heads over to ask him.

Y/n: Natsu what's going on? Are we under attack?

Natsu: (smirk) Maybe once I see him.

Y/n: Him?

Rex: Whose him?

Natsu: (smirk) You didn't hear? Giltarts is coming back.

Y/n: Who?

Mirajane: That's right you never met him.

Then Mirajane and Lisanna came over as they explain to Y/n.

Lisanna: Gildarts is another member of Fairy Tail and also a S-class wizard just like my sis and Erza.

Y/n: Huh so another S-Class wizard. How come he was gone for a long time?

Mirajane: He took part this challenge that too hik a long time. Although this is early. He's suppose to be back another 50 years.

Y/n: (surprised) He was gone for 50 years?! Jesus what the hell was he doing for 50 years?

Lisanna: He was doing the 100 year quest. It is a impossible challenge that a wizard must do and once completed they get something special.

Y/n: Huh you don't say. You think he failed?

Mirajane: (smile) I don't think so. Gildarts is one of the most powerful wizards in this guild. So powerful in fact Makarov created a one way path towards the guild for him so he won't turn buildings into cubes.

Y/n: That would explain what's happening outside.

Then the guild doors open and everyone turn and they see Gildarts as he walks inside with everyone seeing him and once he step inside he smiled and says.

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