ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ : 06

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Helllooo Everyone's!! 🙋

Here I Am!! 🙌

Let's Start!! 💕


MANAN FF : Malhotra's Princess & Manan's Jaan

Manik's eyes fall on her cheek where his fingers imprinted!! He could see her cheek become red and puffy little making him drowned into pools of guilt. He touched her hands to where Ruhi's nail marks shown and still dry blood left on it!! He first clean her wound and then took ointment from first aid kit and very very carefully apply on her scratches and her red cheek. When he touched her cheek and scratches she hissed in pain making his heart cry!! He slowly kissed her cheek mumbling a continuous sorry to her. Then his eyes fall on time and he saw it's 3:00 AM.

He very carefully got up and hold her in his arms and after knowing her father's touched Ruhi too snuggle more to him!! Then he come to his room with sleeping ruhi in his arms and saw frowns on nan's forehead who is sleeping on bed. Manik very slowly lay ruhi near nandu and covered her with same sheet!! Then he closed door slowly and kissed nan's forehead making her relax in her sleep and then he come and sleep beside Ruhi.

After getting manik's warmth Ruhi snuggle to him and as her habit to sleeping with her dadda she put her one leg on his legs, head near his chest and hand around his waist...now she is sleeping hugging to him tightly!! Manik saw this and hugged her more tightly near his heart.

Man (pecking her forehead) - Mera cute bunny!

From behind nan to come closed and hugged Ruhi from back!! Now she is totally caged between her parents and sleeping very peacefully!!

After admiring his princess manik also slept hugging his two lifelines, his two precious jaan's near him!! His face happiness showing how peacefully he is sleeping after 12 long years but poor soul didn't know he have to face so many hurdles yet!!

In Early Morning

Manik woke up because of alarm and open his eyes!! What he saw next his lips curved into beautiful smile and this beautiful scenario made his day!! He saw his baby princess sleeping hugging him like a small baby who is tried to hiding herself in his arms fully...her mouth slight open just like him. She is sleeping same like him and nan to hug her tightly from behind her and her hand around Ruhi's waist!! Then manik noticed his position....he is sleeping hugging Ruhi and his hand on nan's hand which on Ruhi's waist!!

Man (smile to them) - My two babies!

Then he very carefully put Ruhi's hand down from his waist and very slowly get up from bed without disturbing Ruhi's sleep. After not feeling manik warmth ruhi frown in her sleep and then turn to another side and hugged her mumma and snuggle to her chest...nandu to hugged her jaan near her tightly. Manik smile on his cute baby's antics and then covered them properly and went to washroom for freshen up himself!! Soon he come out after changing himself into his gym shorts and vest. He come near NanHi (Nan + Ruhi) and pecked both's foreheads.

Man - Sleep tight jaan's!!

And he leaves from room and went to his gym room!!

Two hours passed

Manik finally come back to his room after completing his workout....fully drenched in sweat and huffing little bit. He entered his room and forget to lock door!! He look toward NanHi and saw them sleeping peacefully hugging each other tightly...he smiled!! He pulled his vest off and thrown it on wash basket...now he is only on his short, standing bare chest and looking damn hottiee!! His messy silky thick hairs spread all over on his forehead little...his dark chocolate brown orbs....red lips and cheer on the top his mole which is present above on his lips making him epitomes of greek god!! His upper body is now shining because of sunreys...who directly falling on his sweaty bare chest making him more hottieee!! Manik then look NanHi once again and went to his closest and after taking out his clothes and he entered inside washroom.

In room

After manik enter washroom....ten minutes later!! Nan's sleep broke due to some murmuring sounds. She slowly open her eyes and saw Ruhi is snuggling to her...she become happy and shocked same time!! But who knows next moment give her the worst goosebumps. Soon her happiness turn into cry's because what she saw next is make her horrible and scared to the core!! Beside nan ruhi is continuously murmuring the same words (if you forgetting then go and check chapy 01) Ruhi is sweating and breathing heavily....her body is starts shivering very badly and she is crying in her sleep....but ruhi next step made nan numb and broke completely!!

She suddenly start shouting and crying badly. Her eyes are still closed but tears continuously coming out from her closed eyes!! Soon her shouts increased and goes higher......her breaths become eneven and heavier...because today she is not getting her nightmares only but her panic attacks too which made her condition worst than before!! And top of that the last night incident or you can say her outburst freshen her wound...just like this only thing left in her mind and she couldn't even able to forgot it!

Nan broken completely after seeing her daughter in so volnurable condition. She didn't even know about her nightmares and now this horrible panic attacks!! Even manik didn't know about Ruhi's panic attacks. Once he got doubt but everyone very carefully and safely hide it from him and distracted him...because of their beloved princess. Yess Ruhi!! She is the one who tell them to hide it from her parents and specially manik...she knows how sharp and intelligent her dadda is!! She even took promise from them for hiding it...so they all are helpless. How can they broke their princess trust...but Ruhi's mental and physical health also very important for them...so they did something without telling manik (you all will get to know soon)!! Nan control herself and hugged Ruh tightly...she even started rubbing her back and whispering sweet words in her ears to calm her down!!

Nan (crying) - Baby!! Shhh dekho mumma is here....wake up baccha! You are mumma's strong baby na please utho. Open your eyes princess it's only your dream jaan!! Utho baccha.

Nan is also crying and trying to wake her up but all vain!! Because of Ruhi's loud shouts everyone come to Manan's room and manik too unknowingly left room door open!! They come and saw very scary scene infront them. They know Ruhi getting her attacks!! Everyone come to near NanHi and try to wake Ruh from her sleep...but seems like today she isn't in her senses!! All become worried like hell and their eyes filled with tears!!


So here is the update!!

Tell me how's it? 🤔

1. What will happened nxt? (Can someone guess and tell me and if anyone's guess is correct then i will mention them in nxt chapy)

Share your reviews!!!

Ignore grammatical errors!! 💔

Byiieee!!! 🙋🙋

Love You All!!! 💕❤

MANAN FF : Malhotra's Princess & Manan's Jaan ✅ Where stories live. Discover now