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Gon's POV

List wasn't kidding when he said this house was huge...and I didn't even have to do upstairs. Just the downstairs area. And since there's way more people down here, they just throw more stuff on the areas I just finished cleaning.

I couldn't even clean the kitchen area when there were drunk people who knew me, clinging to my arm and trying to get me to drink something. "Sorry list...but I don't think you're gonna have to owe me anything." As I Mumbled this, my hand made its way over to a nearby wall, placing the broom list had given me to clean down.

Loud noises, yelling, music banging through everyone's ears, People crowding my vision.

But that didn't distract me from a figure, a familiar figure..


The boy tensed up as the people who once crowded my vision, moved out the way to go party nearby. But it was enough for me to see all of killua. To see him..here.

"Killua...is that you?" I questioned once again. He just stood there, not saying a single word until I started to walk closer to him.

"Could you not do this right now? Just back off ok?" Killua shouted out, placing his hand in front of him to keep me from coming any closer.

"Killua please...can we talk about everything, I swear I'll-"

"Stop saying my name like that! You shouldn't even be talking to me right now. I told you to leave me alone." He interrupted, beginning to walk away. Before I grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to me.

"I know...alright? I know. You don't want anything to do with me, you hate me, you wish I'd just leave you alone but I can't. I genuinely want you to forgive me." My voice held stubbornness in it, and as I tightened my grip on his hand, he knew I wasn't letting him go so easily.

"Gon if you don't quit this little act of being nice, just say what you really want. Another night or something?" He hissed out.

"You know I don't want that! I could care less about sex. Killua I just want you to forgive Me. That's all I want.."

He stared at me, for a minute. Then two. Then three. And as I stared back it was like all the loud noise and people yelling were silenced. And it was just the two of us together.

"You're really funny you know? You're forgiven. Now go away." Killua huffed as he tried snatching his hand back, but I just pulled him back.

"A genuine forgiveness." I sighed as his face started to turn up into an annoyed upset look.

"You seriously know nothing about me. And it's truly sad to just trust some random person because they talked to you for a bit. You know the rumors were right.." killua looked away as he closed his eyes.

"What? The one about you being a-"

"Murder. Yes. And I've given you plenty of signs that I wasn't normal. But you still won't go away. I don't understand why you want an apology from a person who kills other people..." he returned his gaze to look at me and this time I was the one who couldn't even face him.

He was completely right, why was I so obsessed with a murder In the first place..? I never even saw him as one to begin with..but all I know was that I wanted to speak to him, I wanted to befriend him. I wanted him to change for the better..

It's selfish of me.

I know.

I should just cut him off,

I know.

But what kind of person would I be to just give up on someone who I hurt..?

"Killua. I don't care. I'm naive and stupid. But I really want to fix what I did between us. So could you please just give me one more chance?" I begged and tightened my grip around his hand. And stared directly into his eyes, showing I meant every word.

Changed for the better (Gonkillu)Where stories live. Discover now