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"Hey killua! I thought you abandoned this place for another bakery!" Bisky saids while putting her hands on her hips and pouting. "I know I know. I've been caught up with school and stuff."

Bisky bends down while grabbing a blue and white cake. "Teenage love huh? I made this cake for you, it's a chocolate cake with your name on the top!" Killua looks at the cake then looks at Bisky happily. "Thanks! I was just gonna ask for a cake...And...what do you mean by teenage love?!" Killua says while rolling his eyes playfully.

"There was a really hot guy that kept coming in here talking about you Non stop! He was so dreamy~!" Bisky says while covering her blushing face.

"Okay back off. He already has all the girls falling for him. He doesn't need another one. Especially hags." Killua mumbles the last sentence while putting his hand on his cheek. "YOU BRAT!!" Bisky saids while pulling killua's hair and tightening her grip.

"O..Ow! Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! I promise I won't say it again!"

"You better not. Or I'll have to hunt you down." Bisky grabs killua's cake and hands it over to killua.

Killua rubs his head while mumbling under his breath angrily. "Be sure to keep visiting us please? It was kinda boring without you here talking to us."

"I'll be sure to come visit once my classes are all over. Thanks again Bisky." He waves goodbye while walking back to the school. Killua walks slowly while admiring The blue and white cake with his name on it.

He really liked how Bisky new all the cakes he liked...weirdly Gon did to. Killua made it to the school.

There was only a few people in the hall way talking and laughing as always. This time They gave pity looks to killua then looked away.

Killua was really confused by this until he realized it's probably because no one in the school had ever seen him cry before. He didn't really care as he was to happy with the cake to.

He walked up to his dorm room and opened the door, He heard the shower going which scared him. "What..the hell? Did I leave the shower on when I left....?" Killua mumbled to himself while walking slowly to the bathroom. He quickly pushed the door open, Eyes widening at the seen.

"GON WHAT THE HELL?!?" Killua was a blushing mess. He covered his eyes while peeking out of them a little.
"Oh..uh..killua! What are you doing back so early....?"


"Your door was unlocked...And I came to check up on you...I'm sorry you had to see me like this." Gon chuckled nervously while stepping out of the shower. "Put some damn clothes on Gon!"

"Okay okay...But don't act like I didn't see you staring at me through your hands." Gon says in a playful tone while opening the bathroom closet. Killua sighed frustratedly walking out of the bathroom, blushing. Killua puts his cake in the refrigerator while staring at the chocolate stuffed in there.

"Wow. I did not realize I had so much of this..." He says as he takes one of his chocolate robots out and opens it. "I'm done killuaa!!" Gon says, coming out of the bathroom with a nervous smile.

"Why were you taking a shower in my bathroom?" Killua asked bluntly not looking at Gon because of his recently heated face. "Because There's a monster in my room. And I really wanted to talk to you..." killua looked at Gon as he raised a brow.


"Retz was in my bed with no clothes on."

The albino couldn't help but to burst out laughing. He started laughing so hard tears came out from his eyes, and his stomach Cramped so hard he had to clutch his stomach. "G..Gon! Th..that's fucking hilarious!"

"Ha. Sure. That's the funniest thing ever." The raven haired said sarcastically while smiling at killua. He was happy that killua was happy. His laughing made Gon's mood better. "So do you forgive me killua..?"

Killua slowly stopped laughing and turned his attention to Gon. "Gon...I'm sorry...I feel really bad for not listening to your side." Killua said while looking down at the ground. "Y..you heard what I said last night..?" Killua nodded silently while rubbing his forearm.

Gon pulled killua into his chest while rapping his hands around killua's waist. "I'm sorry..I'm really sorry killua...I know how much people hurt you and I made it worse. I swear I will NEVER make the same mistake twice." Gon said while tightening his grip around killua.

Without realizing Killua cupped Gon's face in his hands and pressed his lips on his. Surprisingly, Gon kissed back passionately while moving his lips in a small rhythm. Killua pulled back softly panting and blushing, covering his mouth just a little in embarrassment.

"S-shit, sorry. So...what are you going to do with Retz..?"

Gon smiled at killua while rubbing the side of his cheek. "Hmm...I'll tell you after it's done."

The albinos face slightly went red even more as he pushed Gon off of him.

"Whatever. I guess you can stay until she leaves. But don't just take a bath in MY bathroom without asking!" The albino said while crossing his arms and glaring at Gon. Pretending as if he didn't just kiss him two seconds ago.

"I won't....I'll just take one with you from now on."

The raven haired pulled killua into another kiss while picking him up. And in response killua moaned into the kiss while rapping his arms around Gon's neck. They pulled back, immediately reattaching again.

As the younger started grinding up against Gon while moaning softly. Gon Placed killua on the bed while taking off his shirt. He began kissing and licking killua's neck while killua bit his lip trying not to let a embarrassing moan.

"I wanna hear your voice killua...it makes you even cuter.." Gon whispered in killua's ear seductively, As he then started to lick and kiss killua's nipple, playing with the other.

Killua lets out soft moans while shifting uncomfortably due to the tightness in his pants. Gon realizes and smirks.

"Your really needy aren't you killua..? Don't worry, I'll be sure to have my you know what in.." That sentence quickly made the albinos whole body tingle from the dirty talk, turning him on even more. The raven haired took killua's pants and boxers off while unbuckling his belt, just as horny as the albino was.


After a couple of hours later Gon looked to his side slowly to see killua was passed out, sleeping silently without any noise. He wiped the remains off of killua, making sure not to wake him, And slowly started to head off to sleep himself.

1160 words

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