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As killua stared at his basically emotionless brother he was trying to comprehend what was happening. The albino started at his older brother for about a straight two minutes before clenching his fists and glaring at his brother in annoyance.

"So you knew I was taken, Didn't bother to come help me, and then we you finally see me the first thing you say is 'Obviously I need more training'?!"

Killua was already confused and upset and all he wanted to do was head to sleep.

"Why would I need to come help you? You have trained for years and couldn't even beat simple peasants? not to mention get out of a filthy house." Illumi fixated his gaze at The albinos dirt stained clothes and the cuts placed almost everywhere on his body.

Killua knew Illumi was kinda right. He couldn't even Kill the two guys that weren't prepared enough to beat him. He could have easily gotten out of the ropes they tied, but instead he sat their like a complete idiot complaining about how tight they were.

Why did he change so much? Was it because of Gon? Or is it because he wasn't training more often like Illumi mentioned?

After being in thought for a while Illumi quickly snapped him out of them by putting his hand in front of Killua and staring at him blankly but seriously. "It's either you stop acting weak or we will force you to come back home. No more playing games Killu."

Killua gulped a little and nodded in understanding. He still didn't know why his brother came out of no where. But Illumi was a mysterious person that no one could figure out. The only thing The albino liked about his older brother was that sometimes he can actually show some kind emotions when he wanted. Even though he was still scary as hell.


After an embarrassing and tired walk back to killua's school He made it to his dorm room without being seen and took a nice shower, plopping down on his bed and rethinking about all the events that just happened, It was a uncomfortable night for him.

A few hours later of sleeping The albino woke up to a knock on his door and tiredly sat up while rubbing his eyes. "Hey...I know your not here, but I really need you to come back. Please be alright killua."

Killua immediately recognized The voice. It was Gon. And Out of sudden realization, Killua forgot he never told Gon he came back. The phone had unattached and The albino was to busy escaping. Getting up tiredly He opened the door and looked down a little. Why did he suddenly feel embarrassed?

"What are you talking about Gon?" Killua decided to play dumb, Even though He knew Gon wasn't that stupid and clearly knew what happened. he just wanted to forget everything and continue living a decent school life.

"K-Killua.." Gon seemed speechless and reached his hand out to touch Killua but Killua slapped it away. "What are you doing you idiot." Gon quickly felt sudden relief as he pulled The albino into a Hug. "I'm so glad your ok, You don't know how worried I was."

Killua didn't understand how A popular guy could be worried over a cold murder like him. He only talked to him a couple of times and had a one night stand. Killua pushed Gon away and looked straight into his hazel eyes that would brightly shine any other day except this one. "Just forget this now. Go back to your normal life and forget this. Ok? Ok."

"H-how am I supposed to just forget this ever happened killua!? Memories don't just disappear!" Gon placed both his hands on Killua's forearms and stared deeply at him. "Quit pushing me away and talk to me. Please.."

A moment of silence passed with just Gon and Killua staring at each other deeply. "Don't let your guard down in front of a cold blooded murder Gon. I'd watch out if I were you."

And with that Killua removed Gon's hands off of him and slammed the door. He wasn't worried about Gon telling the whole school anymore. Just him alone could wipe out every student and remove all the evidence In one swift motion.

Gon stood quietly at the door and placed his hand and forehead on it softly. "If you want me to forget about this. I will. But A change can't happen if you don't attempt to make it. I just want to help."

Gon finally left In shame for everything he did and decided not to mess with The albino any longer.

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