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"Gon! I bet you can't climb up that tree!" Knuckles said to me as he kicked the hard wood that was In front of us. I smirked cockily and easily climbed up the high tree with no hesitation. Everyone gasped and laughed while clapping sarcastically.

"Wow, I guess it isn't that surprising considering you came from Whales Island." List said as he crossed his arms and smiled at me, I smiled back and jumped down from the tree while wiping off my clothes.

"It's the best place to explore. And I think we should get back to school. We've been out here for a pretty long time now."

Everyone agreed with me as we walked back towards the school and started talking and laughing about things, mostly about throwing things in the girls bathroom.

Once we finally got back, there were a few people talking in the hallways and grabbing their things for after classes. I waved goodbye to everyone and got ready to head back to my dorm. But before I could go two girls ran up to me and started messing with threw skirts weirdly.

"H-hey Gon. We were wondering if maybe you would want to hang out sometime?" A brown haired girl says as she looks up at me and presses her fingers together in a shy manner. I had nothing better to do so I just shrugged my shoulders and agreed.

They both smiled widely and nodded. "There will be a party at my house!thank you for accepting!" One of the girls took out a small piece of paper and wrote her house address on it, then handed it to me.

The girls both waved goodbye and started talking to each other while walking away.

After they left, I placed the paper in my pocket and continued to head back to my room and study for that test I never took. My grades would definitely fall dramatically if I didn't do that test now. The reason I didn't do it in the first place was because of killua..

Now that he doesn't even want to see or speak to me again, I basically missed out on something important for no reason. But it doesn't matter now anyways. I just have to finish it and move on.

A few minutes later I made it to my room and opened the door tiredly. Hanging out with everyone today did make me pretty exhausted. I grabbed my computer and Textbooks, followed by a pencil, and sat on my bed.

It was a test about everything learned here at Yorknew high. And the only students who would pass it were the people who most likely Paid attention threw out the year. Which not many people did.

I wasn't to cocky about passing it either, considering I forgot almost everything at the beginning of the school year. What I didn't understand was how teachers thought students could remember everything they taught.

My mind wasn't even focused on school work at the moment. It kept running back into killua and wondering how he was doing, or what he was doing. If he was ok, or hurt, mad or upset.

No matter how hard I tried to stop thinking about him and do something else, that something else would always lead back to him.

School work. School work was the situation I should be focused on. It's so weird how my mind distracts me from doing something so important to something that doesn't want nothing to do with me.

I should be able to think about other things instead of one person.

Without anymore thoughts I sigh in irritation and open my computer. I started doing everything while writing down notes and looking back up on my computer every so often. After a couple of hours later I finally finished and put everything up back where I got it.

I got took the piece of paper with the girls address on it and took a look over it so I could remember. After I got dressed into a nice but regular outfit, I headed out of the school to go to the party that probably would be a complete disaster. But fun.

A while of driving and stopping at red lights, I made it to a huge house that had cars and lights surrounding it. The music could be heard from outside and the lights lit up the whole place. There were people walking in and out, talking and definitely drunk.

I found a place to park and stepped out of my car, looking around to if there was anyone I knew. Knuckles liked parties just to mess with people and Leorio only went to parties to pick up girls. Which he wasn't really good at.

After a while of searching the outside of the house just to see if anyone I knew was there, I didn't see anyone. So I just passed a couple of people and went inside the house. Immediately I was hit with the smell of beer, alcohol and cigarettes.

The smell didn't bother me much, but the fact people were dancing all over each other and making out made me a bit bothered. What did I expect? This is a party after all.

After a while of just walking around and talking to some random people to speed up the time. I found a small table that didn't have much people around it and went towards it. I sat down and leaned my chair back in a bored position.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw some weird guy staring at me. Once he saw me look back at him in a confused and uncomfortable way, he walked towards me with a smirk and sat in the small chair that was In front of me.

"What do you want?" I asked bluntly, wanting to know why this guy was staring at me.

He just crossed his arms and leaned onto the table. "Not surprising to see the popular boy here...Is it wrong for me to talk to you?" The guy said with his eye brow raised, still not getting rid of the smirk.

"No I guess. But staring at me is kinda creepy." My voice held annoyance and I didn't bother to keep it hidden.

"You seem ripe..I like that...my name is hisoka. But No need to tell me yours Gon.."

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