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Time passed for a while just waking around town. Me and Gon got drinks along the way. But I realized me and gon don't even know much about each other. So I wanted to get to know him.

"Hey gon, how old are you?"

"I'm 19."

I was shocked when he was only 19. He looked 20, not in a bad way. He was just muscular and had a nice body for someone who's only 19.

"What about you killua? How old are you?"

"I..I'm 18." I said still looking away to hide my burning face.

He looked my way seeing that I was still looking away from him so he put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I yelped a little, face turning deep red from embarrassment.

"W...what a...are you doing?!"

"Hm? Nothing. What's the matter killu?"

"y..your such an idiot." I mumbled while looking down at the ground while taking little sips of my drink.

"Hey killua, do you have a roommate yet?" Gon said while sounding a little upset.

"No. And I don't want one. I'm perfectly fine living alone."


Was all gon said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me face to face with him.

"What happened in the hallway with all those people bullying you?" He said sternly, a scary aura starting to surround him.

It sent chills threw my whole body. I had to tell the truth.

"Well...it's just r...rumors."

Gon stayed silent for a little while. Still having that scary ass aura surrounding him.

"Just tell me when people hurt you please. I hate it when I see you get hurt like that."

I still didn't trust gon that well because anybody who I ever met betrayed me.

"We should head back to the dorms....I'm kinda tired."

Without another word said, we headed back to the school where the dorms are. It was my fault that they started bullying me..I threatened one of the popular girls at school and made her cry. But I didn't want gon to think bad of me so I kept quiet.


Gon dropped me off back at my dorm and I instantly felt bad. I felt like I should've trusted gon for some reason. even though we only knew each other for two or three days. I stayed on my couch trying to get rid of the bad thoughts.

I instantly wake up from my daze by the sound of knocking at my door. I sigh and walk towards it sluggishly.

I open the door to be greeted by a brown haired boy with bushy brows, taller than me by an inch. He was wearing a white T-shirt with dark blue jeans.

I notice luggage behind him which made me realize

he's my roommate?

"Hey, I'm Zushi!" He said while pushing pass me to bring his luggage in.

"Uhh..nice to...meet you..I guess? I was utterly shocked and confused. How can someone just burst into your room without knowing if it's actually theirs or not?

"Why are you here?" I ask still confused.

"Because I'm your roommate?" Can't you tell?" He looks at me with a concerned look.

I was wondering if he was actually knew or not, so I gave him a frightful glare that everyone in the school is Afraid of.

"So that's the look everyone is scared of , huh? I can see why..." he says putting his luggage on the ground and smiling nervously.

I walk towards him threateningly thinking that he's one of the bad people who I hate.

"Why do you want this dorm?" I say still glaring at him.

"Actually I don't...but I have to because this is the dorm I was assigned to..." He laughs nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Don't mess with me, you probably already know the rumors. So...i would stay away if I were you."

I leave while grabbing my phone off the couch, still glaring at him.

"Don't touch anything that's mine. Get your own damn stuff." I say while slamming the door behind me.

This always happens. I can't stop yelling at people. Even if they don't do anything. I think I might have a little angry issues towards people to. I hate them all, I want them to just leave me the fuck Alone.

Which got me thinking, why would I get so flustered around gon? He could end up being a good actor to get into my personal life.

I gasp in shock realizing that I almost told him that I am a assassin. I remember asking him if he would still talk to me if I was one. I hit my forehead aggressively.

"Shit! You fucked up big time killua!" I mumbled to my self while walking out of the dorm hallways.

Now how am I supposed to live if the most popular guy in school tells everyone that I am an assassin?! Than they'll truly believe that I am one!

"Damnit!" I say yelling out loud, to earn a few stares.

849 words

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