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I was glad, so very glad that Killua was back and safe. We may have not known each other for long but I felt that I could not lose him no matter what. What he said sounded serious. He really wanted me to just forget about him and everything...

I was contemplating if I should keep trying to talk to him or just go away and stay out of his life for ever.

It would be better if I just left, because I caused this in the first place and made him get involved with popular people. But I don't want to just leave from his life just because he told me to.

I'm selfish. I want to stay but I'm not thinking about he wants. I guess..I'll just have to leave him alone. Maybe only sometimes I can talk to him without making him upset in anyways. Yeah. I'll do that.

Maybe I can even fix our relationship as friends. Because right now I don't know what he wants us to be, strangers? or actual friends?

I decided I'd just stop thinking about it for today and just try forgetting so I don't stress myself out to much. I called my friends and told them we should hang out later, They agreed and we were going to go to the park just to mess around.

Anytime I was stressed or feeling upset they really knew how to get rid of all my negativity. It was just our little friend group. But I wish Killua could be in it...No, stop thinking about him again. I just need to forget and move on.

A few minutes later all the boys came knocking on my door, pushing in laughing and yelling.

"Hey shut up! I'll ask Gon to beat you up!" Leorio says while grabbing Zushi's neck collar and shaking up. Zushi just laughed and kept apologizing while knuckle came in and walked towards me smiling widely.

"So you gonna get dressed or not Gon?!"

I laughed and nodded while everyone walked in and started messing with everything around my room and talking about what we would be doing at the park. Some stress had already left my body but I still kept thinking about Killua.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I never met him. If I never had that night with him. If I never...returned that cake to him. That's how we met in the first place anyways. And I didn't regret meeting him, I just regret getting him caught up with Retz and everyone else.

"Can you guys stop touching his stuff? Your going to break it." I heard list say I'm a annoyed tone.

"We're not gonna break it calm down." Knuckles said back laughing.

After I finished changing I stepped out and shook my head to forget about everything that happened with me and killua. I was going to just have a nice day with my friends and spend some time with them.

"Looking good Gon!" Leorio complemented while giving me the thumbs up which made me give him one back.

"Thanks leorio! Now let's go have some fun before we'll have to work again!" I said while walking out and everyone following behind me I'm agreement.


We were acting how we usually were and laughing about random things, Talking about how school sucked and once it's over we could do anything we want. Once school did end I was going to hang out with my aunt mito more.

"Is that Killua? Since when was he out here?" List said while looking in the direction of the bakery.

I quickly looked to where he was looking and I was just about to run up to him before I stopped myself. I have to leave him alone, not mess with him.

He had a bakery box in his hand and was heading back towards the school. When he walked his hair flowed softly and his outfit matched his features perfectly. My face heated up and I looked away.

"Guess he was just visiting the bakery." Zushi said shrugging his shoulders and sitting on the ground with knuckle. List looked at me and raised a brow. "Are you good Gon?"

I looked at him and nervously smiled. "Yeah I'm fine. Just a little stressed about that important test I didn't take."
List bought it and crossed his arms.

"Why didn't you take that test anyways? That was for an important grade."

I rubbed my neck and laughed awkwardly. "I guess I was just busy doing something and forgotten to take it." Knuckle looked at me and and laughed loudly.

"Since when do you forget to take important test?! Everyone knows you have the best grades and always do your work!" 

I had to keep making a lie. The real reason I didn't take it was because I was busy trying to get in contact with killua. But now that he's back I don't know what to say. Maybe I'll just make up a believable excuse.

"I know. Something happened with my family and I had to fix it. I said I was busy."  Everyone just nodded and went back to talking about things while I was left feeling a little bit guilty about lying.

I didn't want anyone to know about me and killua. Or what happened to killua. It would be to much to explain and then things would spread to other people.

Just leave killua alone. That's all I have to do. And maybe everything will go back to the way they used to be.

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