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"Hey Gon! I have some awesome news!" Zushi said coming up to me while waving his hands in the air.

"Oh. What news?" I say while giving a small smile and putting my arm over his shoulder. Zushi was always like a little brother to me. Even though we're friends.

"There's no Exams today! The teachers are going on brake so that means we can do anything we want! The boys wanted to invite you to put fake crap in the girls bathroom."

I couldn't help but to burst out laughing. The guys were really fun when they wanted to be. "Sure Zushi! But I might not stay long...even though I would like to see their reaction..I have to go check up on Someone."

Zushi raised an eyebrow while smirking. He put his hands on his waist and started staring at me. "Gon has a girlfriend~! Gon has a girlfriend~!"

"Zushi shut up.." I say mumbling and rubbing my temples. "First of all it's not a girl. Its my boyfriend." Zushi stopped teasing and his mouth opened wide a little bit.


My eyes widen in shock while sweat fell down my face. I couldn't believe I called killua my boyfriend without even realizing it. "N..No I...I...meant...um..BEST FRIEND! Yup! Best friend haha..! We should get going to the guys. Don't wanna be late!"

I smile nervously at Zushi while patting his shoulder and looking away. He shakes his head and goes back to his happy expression. "Yeah! Hopefully we don't get yelled at by then for being a little late." He signals me to follow him which I oblige. I sigh in relief that zushi didn't ask. But now I know he's suspicious.

I really wanted to see if killua was okay.. But now that I thought about it, did he regret having sex with me that night? Was he mad that we went that far..? Is that why he isn't answering my calls or texts..? So much thoughts filled my head that I didn't realize we had made it to the boys dorm.

"Hey Gon! Snap out of it will you!?" A guy ruffled my hair pulling me out of my thoughts. "Ha..sorry Leorio.. I've been spacing out a lot huh. Don't worry it won't happen again. Now what's the plain? I say trying to Remove the thoughts and pay attention to everyone.

"Okay okay! So I bought Nutella and some cheap fake poop at the closet store to the school.

All we need to do is throw it in the girls bathroom!" The first guy said while laughing, followed along by the rest of us.

"But Knuckles...what if someone touched it?" I say trying to hold in my laugh.

It stays quite for a second. Then everyone Burst out laughing, falling on the furniture and crying out tears. Them laughing made me laugh to where I was holding my stomach and leaning on a wall.

"Wha..what kinda..GIRL...Would touch POOP?!" Leorio said while Everyone started laughing even more at the comment. After everyone calmed down we wiped the tears of our faces and tried catching our breath.

"But that's all we have to do. If a girl catches us. Gon start flirting with her and tell her not to make a scene." A boy named List said while putting his hands on his hips.

I didn't like the idea of flirting with people other then killua. But it was just a game so it didn't matter as long as I didn't do anything. "Got it!" I said while showing everyone the thumbs up.
Everyone chuckle about throwing fake poop in the girls bathroom. It was childish but it was a break for everyone to have.

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