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"Damn...he's threatening me again?! I told him I had something to do tomorrow!" I put my phone back on the coffee table and sigh. "Goonnn! When is the pizza coming?"

"Don't worry killua, they'll be here In a couple of minutes..."

"Hmm." I started to get suspicious of Gon. He was acting weird ever since I came out the bathroom. "Hey killua....do you wanna hang out tomorrow...?" I looked at him with my eyes wide.

"Um...I have plans tomorrow...sorry gon.."

"What kinda plans?"

"I...um....I have to go...do stuff...with my brother.."

I couldn't tell if he read the message or not. His face didn't have any emotions. It was totally blank. We both heard a knock at the door. Gon quickly changed to no expression to the most excited.

"Hey! Did you order a large Three meat pizza, with Two large sodas and double stuffed chocolate brownies?

"Yup! Thanks man!"

Gon took all the stuff a waved the man goodbye. He placed everything in the small kitchen and made plates.

"Wow...It smells so good. By the looks of it, it could last us a week!"

"With you here killua it'll only last us an hour!" He says while laughing and wiping fake tears.

"Oh shut it." I roll my eyes and grab a plate. Gon and I sat on the bed and started talking and laughing about the dumbest things. It was kinda fun having a friend to laugh and talk with. But he still seemed suspicious and I didn't fully trust him.

"Hey are you okay? I was calling your name."

"Sorry Gon...I feel pretty tired. I think I'll just head to bed. Thanks for the food."

I start to get off of Gon's bed until I feel a hand grab my wrist. "What are you doing?"

I stare at him confusingly.

"What do you mean..? I was just heading to sleep."

"You can sleep on the bed. I'll feel bad if you slept on the couch."

"No no no! I'm not gonna kick you out your own bed, I'll be fine."

"Killua." I could tell Gon was being serious. He stood up and laid on the couch. "Sleep on the bed killua. I don't want you sleeping on the couch."


I had no words. And I couldn't argue back it was his dorm. I sighed irritated and walked back to the bed. I laid down and looked at Gon. "Hey gon. I'm pretty sure there is another room in a dorm."

"I want you in my room." He said bluntly which made my face heat up in embarrassment. I quickly hid my face on his pillow and tightened it to my face.

He chuckled deeply and stood up. I lifted my face up a little from the pillow and stared at him taking his clothes off.

"W..WHAT ARE Y..YOU DOING?!" My face was a blushing mess. He only had half his shirt off and I was screaming out of embarrassment.

"Nothing? I was gonna change to sleep clothes."

I stared for a second then pulled the covers over me. I started to feel my whole body heat up. My pants started to get uncomfortably tight which made me realize I was getting hard.

I was panicking and shifting. And looking around the room while gon was in the bathroom. "Damn it! What the hell do I do now?!" I mumbled to myself while sitting up.

"Killua? What are you doing?"

I quickly looked at Gon coming out of the bathroom And looking at me without a confused expression on his face.

"Gon! Um..do you think my apartment is cleaned out yet?!"

"Oh, The way the students trashed it....it might not be done by tonight."

"Shit." I cursed under my breath and put one of the pillows on my lap. "Can you make me a glass of water gon?"


He walked towards the small kitchen while grabbing a glass cup. 'Maybe water will help it go down it's hurting the fuck out of me.' I thought to myself while shifting. "Here killua."

I gave him a irritated smile while he just smirked. "Shut up Gon."

"But I didn't say anything."

I glared at him and drunk the cold water out of the glass gon had given.
I stared at gon who was looking at me concerned. I could feel my pants getting tighter and tighter.

"G..Gon I need to..um..use the bathroom."

"Are you sure your okay killua?"


I carefully stood up and pushed pass gon so he wouldn't see the tent in my pants. I walked into the bathroom and sat on the lid of the toilet.

"I can't jerk off here, he'll definitely hear me...!" I mumbled to myself while face palming. I can't just ask Gon to help me with it. But I can't just masturbate in his bathroom.

"Damnit! What the fuck?!"

I started to get irritated. So I went to the sink and splashed water on my face. My boner was hurting and I couldn't ask gon to help me with it....even though I wanted him to.

"Killua, what's taking you so long. It's late and we're supposed to be asleep."

I cracked the door open and peeked out at Gon. I had an idea but it probably wasn't gonna be successful.

I was going to seduce him. Then he would get hard and would have no choice but to do it with me. But if I played out of roll I would just humiliate myself.

"Sorry gon, I got distracted somehow...And I'm not tired."

"Do you wanna watch Something then?"


I followed him towards the couch and I stared silently at his back. He was so hot I couldn't help but get hard over him. 

"Hey gon..."


He turned Around and looked at me.
I've seduced people before but not people who I actually liked. I didn't know what to say so I just stood there with my hands covering my bulge.

"Gon, I'm kinda facing a problem...and I need help with it..."

1023 words

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