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Retz shows up by my door right when I was about to walk out. "What do you want Retz? I'm busy."  She scrunched up her face which made me cringe. So I looked away. "Come on Gon! Don't be like that. I didn't even get to say anything to you yet!"

I rolled my eyes pushing past her, she grabs my hand and stands in front of me. "Stop ignoring me!" I look at her deadly while pulling my hand back. "I'm. Busy." She stares at me while faking a sad look. "What did I do wrong? I'm your girlfriend! You should be Giving me attention!" She says while stomping her foot and hitting my chest.

I grab her hands forcefully while looking down at her. "I'm gonna say this once, and once only. If you come near me or killua....I'll bury you in the damn forest. Now. Back. The. Fuck. Off." I say in a deadly deep voice. I let her go while grabbing my bag, leaving and waving goodbye.

"You could really lighten up my mood right now killua." I mumbled while putting my hands behind my neck. I still feel bad for what I did to him...even though I don't regret some of it. It's not my fault he was beautiful. I quickly forgot about those thoughts when I arrived at killua's door.

Standing at his door for about 4 minutes, I finally gather up the courage to knock lightly. "Who is it?!" I heard a faint yell. "It's me! Gon!" It went silent until I heard soft footsteps walking to the door. He slowly opened it to where I could see he's beautiful blue orbs staring up at me.

"Oh...um Gon! Hi.." He gives a small smile before opening the door and waving. "Hey killua! Are you okay?"
He looked down before bringing his attention back up to face me. "Yeahhhh, I just kinda...um. I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

"Well...I'm kinda fat when it comes to sweets...so like." 

"Are you trying to say you ate all the cake?"

"Gon I was eating my stress away!" He says while moving out of the way so I could come in. I laughed while taking my bag off my shoulder. "It's not funny..." He says while crossing his arms and pouting. "Your right your right! But since I knew this was going to happen. I brought another one!" I opened my bag and showed it to killua.

"Wow! Where the hell do you get all these cakes from?"

I smile nervously at him. "I buy them for you...I know how much you like sweets and...This is the bigger version of That cake you brought to class when we first met." He looked at me for awhile until a bright red blush went across his face. He grabbed the cake from my hands and went to the small kitchen. 

Killua really was a beauty. He was so beautiful that I never wanted him to leave my sight. He had a Feminine appearance, some people would end up mistaking him for a girl. His skin was so smooth that anyone would die just to touch it. I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts when killua cupped my face. "You sure were staring for a long time Gon!"

"I'm sorry..I got caught up in thinking about something." I say sheepishly while rubbing the back of my neck.
"Hmh. Sure. Anyways, do you wanna watch a scary movie?" He looks at me while smirking mysteriously, I give the same smirk while following killua to his living room.

He had dark blue and purple chairs with bean bags sat across the floor, And a nice glass table with a black bowl on it. "Your place is really nice killua." I say while looking around. "It's alright I guess. But I already know a movie!"
He smiles confidently while bending over to grab the remote on the table. I couldn't help but look at him bending over. I quickly looked away trying to fix my gaze on the TV.

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