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"Killua? Are you okay?"

I tapped killua's shoulder to wake him out of his daze. Once he came back to earth he looked at me, and then the girl on my shoulder.

"Oh killua, This is Retz, Retz this is killua."

They both looked at each other for a while. It was like they were going to rip each other's soul out of each other's bodies. I didn't want it to be awkward between them so I broke the silence.

"Killua, Retz is just transferring here to the school. The principal wanted me to show her around, wanna help?"

Killua looked at Retz for a while until Retz said—

"—Why do you keep staring?! Personal space please!"

Killua's face turned into a whole angry look that even sent shivers down my spine.

"First of all don't test me bitch. And Second of all your acting as if your not clinging onto gons arm right now, Obviously YOU don't know what personal space is." Killua said while rolling his eyes and walking away towards his next class.

Retz scoffed angrily and dragged me by the hand while pulling me to wherever the heck she's going.


After I finished showing Retz around the school she was Tooken by a teacher to go find her dorm room. As soon she left I went searching after killua. I couldn't find him at all until I heard laughing and giggling from behind a wall across the boys bathroom.

I carefully look around the Corner to see Random guys and girls just throwing paper balls and pushing killua's books and papers on the floor.

Instantly I walk slowly with a dangerous aura coming from me sending chills threw out the heartless people picking on killua.


Every single one of them got scared and started running like little Children. That wasn't even Half of my madness. I walk up to killua and start helping him pick up his books and papers.


I stared at him for a little while just to see his facial expression and why he's so nervous.

"Why are you saying sorry?"

"I...I just feel like..."

"It's okay killua, if your not ready to tell me, take your time you don't need to force yourself to tell." I gave him a reassuring smile just to let him know I'm serious.

"T...Thanks gon."

He gave me a little smile that made my heart flutter like it was everything I wanted to see every single day and night. Something about killua made me attracted to him. All these rumors give killua a bad reputation. But he's really amazing when you get to know him more.

"No problem killua"


After school was over I texted killua if he wanted to hang out. He said sure and told me his dorm number. After I arrived, I knocked on his door with a nice little rhythm. He opened it for me to stare dumbfounded at him.

He was wearing a light blue sweater that coved a little bit of his palms, he had white skinny jeans on that fit perfectly with his body. His shoes were white with baby blue stars going across them.

His face started turning cherry blossom red when he saw me staring for to long. I quickly looked away embarrassed, letting out a cough to regain my posture.

"K..killua..you look really nice.."

I cursed at myself for stuttering.

"Thanks gon... y...you look nice to."

All I was wearing was a black T-shirt and black jeans. But it made me really happy when he complimented me.

"So killua, you got that cake from surgery sweets bakery right?"

"Uh..yeah. How did you know?"

"I go there sometimes to, I usually buy my aunt Mito some desserts!

"Oh. That's cool, I only go there for breakfast and to just eat as much as I want." Killua said nonchalantly.

I chuckle of how cute he can be sometimes.

"W..Whats so funny?!"

"Nothing, your just so cute!"

"B..baka" he mumbles while crossing his arms and pouting.

While walking around, we crack jokes, Laugh till we feel tears, and talking about video games and food.

I really enjoyed spending the day with him, and I could tell he's enjoying his time to.



"Would you stop talking to me if the rumors about me being an assassin were true?"

"Are they?"

Killua stayed silent while looking  ahead of him.

"Killua. Would you stop talking to me if my anger issues got out of hand and I start to hurt people?"

"O..of course not gon!l

"Than you have my answer."

Killua looked away while blushing madly.

"Hey killua?"


"Thanks for not taking advantage of my popularity."

Killua just gave gon a small smile. It was enough for gon to hear his own heart pounding. For killua's beautiful smile, for killua himself.

834 words

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