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"Wait...what's that noise?" There was a small ding that could be heard faintly in the distance. It was dark and There was dirty old furniture all around me. Everywhere I walked I'd either trip or run into something. Taking my hand and putting it in front of me I move it around so it could be my vision.

Usually It was easy to see in the dark. But for some reason this place was just...Black. Nothing could barely be seen. And the air was getting harder to breath in. I couldn't tell if this house was huge or small.

Was I walking in circles the whole entire time? Was I never going to get out of here..? No way, I can't let stupid ass people make me think that. I'm a damn assassin. Ignoring all the thoughts, I Continue to walk further into what it seems like a void of just darkness. After the ringing stopped It started to continue once again. Of course it was annoying but Maybe it was the only chance out of this maze.

About Five minutes later, And the phone still continuing to ring, The sound was way more louder. So loud it started making my ears ring. I took my hand and moved it around to where I thought it was. Eventually my hand landed on the still ringing phone. "Yes, got it!" I whisper Enthusiastically.

Quickly picking up the phone I hold it to my ear hearing a loud and concerned voice. "KILLUAAA!?!? PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS YOU!!"

In shock and fear of the sudden outburst My hand puts the phone far away from me while looking around hoping no one heard. Putting the phone up to my mouth I quietly talk. "Shhh!! be quite you idiot!" I could hear a relieved sigh which made me raise a brow.

Since when did he care for me so much? Was he really calling for that long just to get an answer from me? No way, he's faking it. He probably just wants me back so he can get something out of me. I'll only speak to him this once so I can finally get out of this place. "Killua! I already called the cops and they are tracking this phone's location!"

"Yeah yeah ok. Can't they be a little quicker?" I say nonchalantly while finding the nearest wall to lean on. What I didn't know was that the wall I leaned on was a fucking exit.

Without even getting a chance to react, The wall opened up making me fall on my back and feeling the bright sun Touch my skin once again. "What in the hell?! Since when- What-?!" I could have sworn I walked passed this multiple times.

The Phone shut off which made me quickly sit up and Grab it once again. I had forgotten The phone was attached to a cord so when I fell it pulled out of the wall. "Damn it!" I knew Gon would call back once I Put the cord back in but I was finally outside and He didn't really care if I was safe or not.

I got up and dropped the phone while running as fast as I could. Kept running into a few branches and bushes but My mind was only focused on getting as far away As I could. Looking at my hands they were covered in dust, so were my clothes and skin. Anyone who would see me would think i just came out from underground. Right now I didn't care what people would think or say. Finding the school or at least a sidewalk.

After a few minutes of running and panting. I finally ended up Near a store with people stepping out with bags, laughing and talking about who cares what. My whole body was beat up from everything I hit while running.

People were staring and whispering things while some just walked away and shrugged their shoulders. "Finally. Are you done playing?" A voice beside me said.

"I-Illumi?! I- what are you- huh?!?" I was speechless and confused. Playing? What is he talking about?

"Didn't you get taken? Why did it take you so long to find your way out Kil?"

Was he serious or was I just crazy from all the stress. "How did you know I was gone?!"

"That girl." He looked at me blankly like always and crossed his arms. "Obviously you need more training."

"Are you fucking serious?"

749 words

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