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Killua laid in bed while looking at the roof of his dorm. "I guess that other kid moved out. Not surprised." He mumbled to himself while shifting on his side. "How am I supposed to get sleep if it's almost 7:00 And I don't even have my phone to text my brother."

Killua gets up from his position, walking over to his closest. uncomfortable from the small tent in his pants he opens the closet door and takes off his clothes. He grabs a solid black hoodie with baggy black pants and dark gray shoes.

Killua grabs a book bag from a shelf and silently goes to the small window in his room. "I really should have gotten sleep...damnit."  He jumps out while landing perfectly on his feet while running into the closet Alleyway.


"YOU TRIED HAVING SEX WITH KILLUA?!?!?!" Zushi says while grabbing Gon's forearms and shaking him. "W..well yeah! But It was on accident!"

Zushi stared at Gon while letting go of his arms slowly. "Haven't you heard the rumors gon?! Out of everyone in this school, you should be the first hearing them."

"I've heard some but not all of them...spill."

Zushi looked around the room making sure there the only two around the area. "Killua is an assassin, and he's killed like a lot of people! He also goes out to seduce people for money..." Gon knew about the assassin part, but he didn't know that he seduced people. He kinda believed Zushi because that's what killua did to him.

"Is there anything else?"

"Totally! Let everyone around the school tell you. I don't know much about killua...But when I was in his dorm he threatened me." Gon's eyes widened as he pictured killua in his mind. "He threatened you..?"

"Duh. That's what he does. He gives off a scary ass look then leaves."

Now that Gon thought about it..When him and killua first met, Killua glared at Gon when he was trying to give his cake back. He had also thought he poisoned it. "Okay Zushi. I'll ask more people. BUT DONT TELL ANYONE WHAT I TOLD YOU!"

"Okay okay! I won't. Your scary ass hell to. Maybe even scarier than killua." He laughs while grabbing his bags and waving goodbye. "I'll have to ask more students about it later...."

Gon sits on his bed while looking at the ceiling. "I wonder what killua is doing now...." He mumbles while reaching for his phone. He touches an unfamiliar phone case which made him sit up. "That's....This is....killua's?!"

Gon got up from the bed while holding his phone and pacing around the room. "What do I do?! He probably doesn't wanna see me...And he had to leave early...maybe I should return it when he comes back." Gon thought for a second. "But when does he come back?"


"Damn it killu, Why would you let her get away..?"

"ME?! YOU DIDNT EVEN TRY TO RUN AFTER HER ILLUMI! YOU DUMB BITCH!" Killua says while trying to catch up with the running blonde.

Killua jumps on her while pinning her to the muddy ground. "That's sad that I to to get your pretty dress messed up! This is what happens when you don't listen." Killua says while grabbing a knife out of his pocket.

"p..please no! I..I have..a family!"

"Don't we all? Stupid. And I'll tell your 'family' that you were cheating on them with another." 

"Please no! Wait-!"  Killua snapped her neck while getting up off the ground.
"Why do they always argue back? Just accept it."  He says while picking her up.

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