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"Damn...why is everything so sore.." I mumble while scratching my head. I sit up sluggishly while grabbing my phone to check the time.

The screen light shines brightly in my eyes while I groan in pain. My eyes shut tightly and open again so I could adjust to the dim light. While turning down the brightness I see 4 messages from Gon. My face starts to heat up thinking about what happened between us last night.

'What the hell was I thinking?!' I thought to myself while opening the messages.

Hey killua! I hope you slept well last night😊 I brought stuff for you and sat them in the fridge.

I'm sorry I left without saying anything...I had to go to gym early and run laps.

I hope I'm not spamming you a lot, But I made you breakfast and put it in the microwave.

Ps. I know how much you love chocolate so I made your pancakes with chocolate chip
Enjoy killua~😘

"That damn idiot..." My face was hot and I felt my body heat up again. I walk over to the bathroom, wincing at the sharp pain in my butt and the stiffness in my back. I look in the mirror and cringe.

'And this is what gon calls cute...? I think not...." I says while heading to the tub and turning on the shower. I quickly stop half way and walk slowly backwards to the mirror. "What. The. Fuck." I stare at the mirror in shock while poking my neck.

'How the hell do I get rid of these?! Did he forget I have school today?!' I think to myself while hitting my face And walking back to the shower. After about 20 minutes I get out of the shower and walk towards my closet.

I grab a light yellow turtle neck with black sweatpants and black shoes. I grab foundation from my dresser and put some on the purplish hickeys. I also put a little mascara and chapstick on just because. "Hm. Not bad killua." I mumble to myself while smirking.

I heard a knock at the door which made me glare at it. I slowly walk towards the door while giving off a scary aura. I knew it wasn't gon because he was busy running laps and taking early classes. The knock continues but In a small rhythm.

I open the door slowly while peeking out of it. "Hey cutie! Haven't seen you since gym. And since when do you open doors for people?" The guy says while leaning on the wall.

"Justin.." My eyes threatened dangerously while I bit my lip, clenching my hands in anger. I hid my phone behind my back while pushing the record button.

"Oh come on! I just came to see your beautiful face again....And I see you put makeup on.." Justin says while touching my check and pinching it.

"Fuck off Justin!" I say while slapping his hand away.

"Killua...don't be so harsh baby.. I just wanna catch up.."

I roll my eyes angrily while pushing pass him. He slaps my ass which makes me wince in pain. "Don't just leave without saying goodbye you slut." I smirk at him cockily while walking towards him again.

"Don't worry. My brother will deal with you soon." I say while holding up my phone. He looks at me confusingly while raising up a brow.

"I'll I have to say is...Don't mess with an assassins family member.." I leave him standing at my doorway in shock while I frowned angrily. I didn't even know how he knew my dorm number he just showed up out of no where. I look at my phone while checking the time. '11:56...maybe I should check and see if gon is running still..."

I could just imagine him running and sweating while looking even sexier than usual. While I was off in my thoughts I could feel someone pull me into a hallway while covering my mouth. "Shh. You don't wanna be hurt do you?"

I tried kicking and screaming, But this guy was insanely strong plus I was short and the cake did a number on me. The next thing I new was Someone had hit me in the back of the neck. My eyes were still squinted so I wasn't fully knocked out. I heard faint muffles of people talking and arguing.

My body was numb and my mouth stung from the tape. The people laid me on the cold floor which gave me chills. My eyes got heavy and my mind kept telling me to sleep. I closed my eyes feeling pathetic. And falling unconscious. The last thing I could hear were the people talking.

"Okay. I did what you said. Now hand over the money! Your lucky it was easy to get this one down." The guy said while crossing his arms.

"Just wait a minute! He's an assassin...I heard there really smart. I'll pay you extra if you keep an eye on him." A girl said while opening a purse.

"How much? You better pay me a load of money Blonde."

"How about 500,000? That's all I can offer right now. And it honestly shouldn't even be that much. It's just a boy your looking after."

The guy rolls his eyes and picks up killua over his shoulder. "I'll take care of him all right. He's fucking hot." The guy saids while walking out of the school backdoor.

"Maybe that'll teach him for messing with stuff that isn't his..."

930 words

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