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My wrist and ankles started to hurt from how tight they were. Noah went into the kitchen while coming back out with chips. He crouched back down in front of me while frowning. "Eat."

I stared at him for a little while before smirking and looking away. "I can't eat it if I'm tied up." He rolled his eyes while standing back up again.

"Why would I let you out of the ropes. I may pity you but there's no way I'm getting my neck cut off because of you."

"At least untie them to where there not so tight! It's fucking frustrating."

He stared down at me then crossed his arms. "Like I'd believe an assassin. You'd either run away or try and attack me." He looked back at me while chuckling and throwing the bag of chips on my lap.

"I already opened it for you. I'm pretty sure you can eat them without hands."

He walked away while while putting his hands behind his back. I looked at the bag of chips while sighing angrily. 'That damn Retz.'


I walk down the hallway slowly, looking at the ground in shame. I start get lost in my thoughts while shoving my hands in my pockets. "Damnit...Where the hell are you killua.." i mumble while clenching my fists.

"Hey Gon!" A girls says while running up in front of me. I squinted my eyes to see who was running towards me and caught a slight figure of a person with blonde curly hair, blue jeans, and pink shirt.

"Retz..." I couldn't help but take dangerous steps towards her. By the way she sounded so happy instead of snarky I knew she was up to something.

"H..hey gon..i just came to ask if...um.." she paused for a second while shifting shyly and seductive. "Do you wanna go out..?"

An idea had popped up in my mind while I put on my acting face and smiled brightly. I took her hand into mines and and pulled her closer to me. "Sure. I was thinking a restaurant maybe."

She looked at me in shock then quickly kissed my cheek, leaving a bright red lipstick behind. I tried to smile before I ended up hitting her and yelling. "Oh my God! I'm so happy you said yes! Can we go now?!"

"Yeah. I actually wanted to ask you that.." My plan was to take her out to a place that we can sit down and talk. I needed to get her to talk about killua. She seemed extra happy ever since killua disappeared, Which got me really suspicious.

She rapped her arm around mine while we headed to the Exit of the school. "Soo...Retz? Don't you just..hate, killua?" I say while smiling awkwardly.

"Maybe. He's just always yelling at people and touching things that isn't his."

"What kind of things?"

"People's boyfriends! He always seduces them and ends up having sex. So don't be surprised if he isn't a virgin." She said while rolling her eyes and pouting.

"Yeah he definitely sounds horrible...Do you know what happened to him anyways...?"

"My friend came here earlier and killua started kissing on him and doing what he usually does. So my friend took him to his place." I tense up while biting my cheek. There's no way that killua could've done that. I couldn't believe it.

"D..Do you know where the guy lives Retz?"  She looked at me while smirking. "I'll only tell you if you answer some of my questions in return." She stopped walking and crossed her arms.

"Oh yeah? Spill." I said dangerously while glaring at her.

"Last night I was coming to deliver ice cream to my best friend and I hear moaning from killua's room..." My heart stops for a slit second then starts to beat faster.

"...I thought he brought another drunk person with him until I heard him say "Gon, right there."  Soo, was what I heard not my imagination?" She looks up at me while smirking and putting a hand on her hip.

"Well It was probably your imagination, I was hanging out with my friends the whole time." The tone in my voice came off pissed. She was trying to get into my skin.

"Okay...Do you have a crush on killua?"

"No. I don't. Why would I? Didn't you tell me he was always out with people?"

"Well I did...But...I can't help but notice the way you stick up for him all the time. Your popular and should know all the rumors that goes on about him." I clenched my fists hard so I wouldn't go off on her but I couldn't hold back anymore.

"RETZ! your pissing me the fuck off! Stop asking me these stupid ass questions and tell me What you did with killua?!" She flinched while covering her face.

"W...Why are you blaming me for his disappearance?!"

"I tried being nice and now I'm pissed off. Tell. Me. Where. He. Is, Now." 

She started to shiver while tears fell down her face. She took out her phone and started to Dial someone.

Boss? What is it now?

She looked at me fearfully then shifted her gaze towards the floor. "Um. G..get k..killua..on the..phone." 

What the hell?! Why?!

"Just do it Damn it!"

There was a sigh over the phone and then Retz handed the phone over to me. Hello..?

I sighed in relief. I was so happy just to hear killua's beautiful soft voice again. He made all the stress and anger in my body quickly leave. "Killua! It's Gon! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Gon?! What? How? How did you? What???

"Killua Tell me where you are." I said sternly while glaring at Retz.

There was no response until I heard people in the background whispering things. I couldn't hear anything else after. The phone cut off and I stared at it angrily while glaring at Retz  and throwing it at her.


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