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Zushi was about to follow everyone and head to his class but he stopped in front of me with a confused expression. I already knew what he was going to ask. Because when everyone started heading to class My gaze went to the exit of the school. "Hey Gon, you Alright? Aren't you coming to class?"

Yup. Exactly what I thought he was going to ask. "Yeah I will. But I actually have something to do right now so I'll be back."

I gave him a reassuring smile to let him know that Everything would be Ok but he still didn't seem convinced. Zushi sure is a stubborn kid.

"But this is an important test and you never miss test!" Zushi hit my shoulder softly but upset that he wasn't getting a truthful answer out of me.

I wanted to find Killua by myself and by myself only. And Explaining what happened with me and Him, Zushi would be left in shock. And plus it would waste to much of the time I could be using to look for killua.

Zushi knows that I tried touching him. But he doesn't know that I actually had sex with him.

"I can't explain right now, But I'll be back soon alright?" Waving him off and heading towards the exit I could tell Zushi wanted to come after me and ask again but he knows that I'm capable of doing things myself. So he left me be.

What happened to Killua? Is he alright.. Did he hang up on me because he just didn't want to speak? No no. He was serious about an exit..or that's what he tried to say. Was someone there with him?! Hitting my forehead in attempt to calm myself down I walked out of the school and started getting frustrated again.

"Where am I even going to start to look for him?!" I said in a mumble but full of anger and fear. It's all because of Me that this happened.

If I had just left killua alone and never messed with him then Retz wouldn't have gotten jealous and got into his life. I made Killua, The one that doesn't get upset over words, The killua That is Strong and isn't bothered by anything that happens, Cry. All because I called him a weirdo and everyone started talking about me using him.

This was just horrible, and definitely my fault. I just really hope I can find killua again so I can change this mess.

"Hey Gon! What are you doing out here? Skipping?" It was the girl who talked about killua with one of her friends..

"Why does it matter to you?" I wanted to just punch her, so she can feel pain exactly how killua felt. It was probably a punch in his stomach..

"Awww come on Gon! I just wanted to know since your skipping do you wanna maybe....hang out?" She said while twirling her hair in a flirty way.

Without any hesitation I walked passed her while taking my phone out of my pocket and thinking about what I should do. I could hear the Taps of her small shoes coming after me so, turning around in annoyance I Glare at her. Making her stop in her tracks.

"I'm busy. Can you stop following me." She didn't replay back and looked down sadly which made me turn back around and continuing to walk.

Now that I knew she wasn't following me I looked back at my phone and checked the last number that called me. The last number that called me...was the one that killua hung up on.. which means if I called that number I could try to get him to answer.

But what if someone else picked up..? Damn. I just need to try. And if it doesn't work I'll just keep trying until it does. Once the number started ringing I held the phone up to my ear and silently prayed that he would answer.

It kept going until the ringing stopped. "Shit...it's not working..Killua come on."

Once again I tried calling but it stopped and still didn't work. Giving up wasn't an option for me until Killua answers. And I knew in one of these tries he would.

714 words

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