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Why would Retz throw a party in killua's dorm?! I was furious. I wanted punch her so bad. I let killua rest in my dorm so I told killua where my dorm was so he could stay in there until teachers end up coming to clean the rest of his dorm.

I was heading down towards Retz's dorm so I could give her a piece of my got damn anger. Once I arrived at her dorm I knocked harshly on her door almost breaking it open.


"COME THE FUCK OUT HERE BITCH!" I yelled angrily. The room went silent. I heard small footsteps coming towards the door. And After it finally opened she looked at me innocently.

"Wh..why are you yelling? Couldn't wait to see me, huh?

"I'm gonna ask this once, and once only."

"Hm. What is it?"

"Did. You. Throw. A. Party. In. Killua's. House?"

She went silent. She left her eyes from my furious gaze. "If..if your mad I didn't invite you I'm sor—

I slapped her so hard that she stumbled a few steps back. "Do it again, And I'll hurt you way worse. I'd recommend you not to push my nerves." I walked out and headed towards my own dorm.

Retz was left aghast. She couldn't believe what Gon just did to her. And even killua respected not to hit or hurt her. She never even hear Gon yell before. Her mouth was left open and she couldn't speak. She was powerless.


"What happened with Retz?!" Killua asked excitedly while bouncing on Gons bed and smiling. "Nothing...I just cussed her out."

"Hmmm. Man. I though you did something cooler than that."

"Why do you wanna know anyways?"

"Duh, Because I'm bored." Killua grabs his phone from a nearby table and starts to distract himself. I stare at him for a little while before I and look over his shoulder. "What ya doing?"

"Minding my own business.. maybe you should try it to!"

I pout while crossing my arms and looking away. "Fine then! Guess I'll have to go my mind my own business at that bakery."

"Oh Gon, your going to a bakery?!"

"Oohh killuaa, your minding my business?" I say cockily while smirking at him. "You BAKA! I was just kidding!"

I chuckle while killua looks away and blushes. "Aw killua, Your so cute! But I wasn't actually gonna go, I was going to order a pizza instead !"

"Hm, that sounds good. But I'm still mad you aren't going to the bakery."

"How about we go After school tomorrow?"


Killua stayed silent. He started to sweat a little and glanced around the room before meeting back up with my eyes.

"It's nothing gon....I just have to meet up with my family that's all..."

"Why are you so nervous?"

"Because....I don't know....just am I guess.."

I started glaring at him, which made him sweat like crazy. "Gon...I gotta use the bathroom..."

He got up and speed walked into the bathroom, closing the door with a small thud. "Now I know he's hiding something.....but I wonder what it is..."
I heard killua's phone go off which got me curious "it wouldn't hurt to take a peek...." I mumble to myself while walking over towards the table he sat it on.

I looked at the screen and it was a message from an unknown user.

          Be ready by 7:00 be late and
                           You'll get punished.

Who the hell was this?! I was about to text back but the bathroom door opened and I quickly ran to put his phone back on the table.

"What were you doing gon?"

"Wha..what are you t..talking about?"
I cursed myself for stuttering. I just hope he didn't see me look at his phone.

"Whatever. Did you order the pizza yet? I'm starving!" Killua took his phone and slumped on down on a couch.

"Oh sorry, I'll do it right now."

'I wonder what's wrong with him' killua thought to himself as he looked on his phone and saw a recent message. He looked at the name that said Unknown and immediately knew who it was.

His older brother Illumi.

707 words

Changed for the better (Gonkillu)Where stories live. Discover now