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"Why didn't you let me speak to him?!" I say while yelling at Jackson's face. He rolls his eyes and grabs my face. "Shut. The. Hell. Up." He grips my hair and stands me up.

"L..let me go!" I struggle while trying to pull my head backwards. The more I moved the tighter he gripped my hair. It was hard moving because of the pain from my wrist and ankles.

"Just stop already. Your not getting free anytime soon." Noah saids while putting his hand on his neck.

"Once I get out of here I'll beat the fucking shit out of—."

I felt a hard punch hit my stomach, which made me grunt in pain. Jackson threw me back onto the hard cold ground while walking towards me. He steps on my face while smirking.

"Are you really a guy? It's kinda strange you have the appearance of a girl.."

"Of course he's a guy....Are you stupid?" Noah saids with a brow raised.

"Oh shut the fuck up! I was just saying that he looks like a girl!"

Jackson looks back at me while grabbing my chin. "I can't wait to play with you."

I could feel my eye twitch in annoyance. Never would I let a pervert like him touch me. He started getting closer to my face so I head butted him with the rest of my strength, Knocking him back. "YOU FUCKING BRAT!!!"

"Calm down Jackson. That's your fault!" Noah said while laughing and helping Jackson up.

"I'll kill you right now!" Jackson pulled out a knife from his pocket and aimed right for my eye. He went to go throw it but I quickly moved. The knife cut my cheek while getting stuck in the wall behind me.

Noah rolled his eyes while grabbing Jackson and looking at me. He winked and walked away with the furious man.

I looked at the knife while moving towards it. 'Gotta do this quick...'
Moving slowly towards the knife I pressed my head against it making it fall on the ground. I smirk and grab it with my tied hands.

I finally cut threw the thick ropes while looking at my reddish sore wrist. I move down it my ankles. While cutting fastly. Mumbles and stomping we're heard from another room while getting closer and closer.

I quickly got up and ran to where ever the voices couldn't be heard anymore. "Where's the damn exit..." I mumble to myself while looking around and panting.


"how should I know?! Maybe if you didn't leave the knife here he wouldn't have got loose!"

Jackson slowly turned towards Noah while looking dangerously at him.

"Don't tell me....you let him go.."


Retz was walking slowly in front of me while looking back every once in a while. "I..im sorry gon!" She clenched his fists and looked at the ground.

"Shut up already." I couldn't help but be rude to her. She was annoying and selfish. Her saying sorry wasn't gonna get me to like her any better.

Making her buddies kidnap someone is fucking crazy, And she thinks "sorry" is gonna help fix what she's done. I know jail will.

"Why do you even like him anyways?! He's ugly, a slut, annoying, unpopular, and he's a murder! He kills people gon!"

"He's. Not. Ugly. Retz. And I'm pretty sure he's not the Slut here. I didn't care about popularity in the first place anyways. And don't you ever say any of those things about him again. I will not allow you to speak that way." I say dangerously while giving her a death stare.

She starts sobbing harder earning a few stares and whispers from people around us. "Why do you hate me so much?!" She yells while stomping her foot.

I grab her shoulder and tighten it. "I know your stupid games Retz. Go get a damn life." My phone vibrates inside my pocket. I let go of her shoulder and answer it.

"Who is it?" I say annoyed due to the bad mood Retz had gave me.

Its killua

687 words

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